
What other subway systems are 24 hours?

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Other than New York City, what other rail-based rapid transit systems (subways, light rail, etc) run 24 hours systemwide (or close to systemwide)?




  1. CHICAGO HAS A 24/7 365

  2. San Jose, CA has 24 hour service on its light-rail line.

  3. montreal subway system.

  4. I second the Chicago answer, as that city runs two lines around the clock, but there are no others that I am aware of. The Montreal metro closes around 0100, so it is not a 24 hour system, and neither are those in Toronto, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, San Francisco, or Los Angeles. In Europe, none of the systems run 24 hours, even in the three largest European cities: London, Paris, and Moscow. I'm pretty sure that there are none that run 24 hours in Asia, either. I know for a fact that Tokyo's metro does not.

  5. CTA Chicago is 24 hours, a few NJ Transit lines and a couple of Septa (Philly)are 24 hours.

    Oh, yes, and my diaper is completely full!

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