
What other things are above Obama's "pay grade"?

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If America continues to be uninformed and elects Obama as president, how many times will he use this cop out? Will confronting dictators and sending in our military to confront evil be "above his pay grade"?

Will making hard economic decisions be "above his pay grade"?

How can someone who refuses to answer hard questions ever be considered to tackle even harder ones?




  1. Deciding what a woman shpould do regarding her reproduction

    should be above ALL MEN'S paygrades

    but unfortunately

    Republicans think for their women !!  

  2. How can someone criticize the answer to a question when they have obviously not read the entire answer?

  3. Every hard question is above Obama's pay grade

  4. His remark was made in reference to the Supreme Court...nice Republican tactic to take it completely out of context.  

    Why aren't you fighting in Iraq today?

  5. Silly - Obama has to remember that when he says something, it usually goes way, way above people's heads, especially those with a "fault finding" mindset.  You just don't get it!  It's a shame that even nonEnglish speaking Asians can come to this country and "abstract" so much higher than the Average Joe Blow American raised with such "conservative principles."  All of this luxury gone to waste and it takes the "oppressed" to show how deficient you are.  

    We all know that Obama was meaning that that question is ABOVE all of us.  He wasn't being literal.  Just because your SAT scores indicated that your capacity for "abstract reasoning" is lower than George Bush's doesn't mean that all of us are so concrete in our thinking.  

    Why act as if you're Borderline Retarded when you were born with so, so many advantages?


    Maddog - can you tackle the question?  You probably don't have the capacity to COMPREHEND the question, let alone understand an answer that's figurative.  If  right wingers can only rehash the same overly repetitive CONCRETE answers, no wonder we're stuck in Iraq...???  Your "reasoning ability" is pathetic.  With McCain, we're getting more of the same of this faulty reasoning.  The whole world is baffled.  How can such prosperous people act so dumb?  ...because our leaders are stupid - just like dumb ol' daddy, George!

    Margaret h - I am sure that you are just as well versed in avoiding "rhetorical traps."  I WANT a president who is able to "think fast on his feet" rather than having an Administration whose deception is clearer than the ringing of a bell and stupid enough to assume that "silencing" Colin Powell is gonna stop the leak.  Margaret, use your "intelligence" in useful ways rather than defend corruption.

  6. He said that to indicate the question was about a Supreme Court decision and the President does not make decisions for the Court.

  7. Let's see...

    Becoming Pope.

    Performing open heart surgery.

    Losing in this election.

    All are examples of things that he cannot do.

  8. You aren't even comprehending the phrase correctly. Saying that something is above your pay grade is saying that you are not God. I realize that Republicans think that they are God, but come November Republicans will meet the MOST HIGH GOD.

  9. Another term in the US Senate.

  10. Apparently, finding his real birth certificate.

  11. You mean hard questions like "How many homes do you and your wife own?"

  12. In other words, (and I agree that this was a poor choice of words) Obama was saying that he as a human being can't determine what "life" is for everyone in the world. That should be left to God, and that, "my friend" is above his pay grade.

    But then again, Repubes think they ARE God, so I know there's no convincing you.

  13. Answering your question is above my pay grade.

  14. "above my pay grade" is slang for "I am not going to take responsibility for making that decision. I'm kicking that upstairs so I don't have to take the heat."

    Obama was saying that he wasn't touching that question with a ten foot poll in front of a group of religious voters who were listening closely because he KNEW that his REAL answer would p**s them off and he would lose their votes.

    He knows the answer.

    He did the legal research for Lawrence Tribe's book "Abortion: The Clash of Absolutes," and was thanked warmly by name in the book.

    He knows the topic - inside and out.

    Obama has said that the FIRST thing he would do as president is sign the Freedon of Choice Act, eliminating all existing restriction on abortion, including the Hyde Amendment's ban on federal funding.

    Obama KNOWS how to get out of answering questions.

    That may be ALL he knows.

    The media has given him a FREE PASS.

    Everything is "above is pay grade" until further notice.

  15. Common sense.

  16. Anything.. Why do you think he picked Biden? because he is to dumb to run the country himself,needed a babysitter. Do the Dems REALLY wanna ask about Mrs. Palins experience???  

  17. If you don't know life begins at conception you are truly ignorant. Even science says this is true.

    Let's break it down for the uneducated.

    Half a strand of DNA from mother and half from the father. This equals one strand of HUMAN DNA living and growing (ALIVE). It is not a tree, dog or cat. It can ONLY be HUMAN! Living and growing. To think otherwise is ignorant and is only self serving lies.

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