
What other titles go good with....?

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ok so I am currently writing a book and the title is " In the Blink of an Eye" it is going to be a series and the second book it supposed to be called In a Heartbeat but I need more titles for the other books. There is going to be at least 2 more after In a Heartbeat.

Also what do you think of the title " In the Blink of an Eye" and "In a Heartbeat" ?




  1. At The Snap Of A Finger

    Split Second

    At The Drop of A Hat [This one may be good for a graduation book or something]

  2. "Within a breath"

    "The quickened pulse"

    "The snap of a finger"

    Hope I was of help ^w^  

  3. if she gets answers to her q's positive the title would be 'splitseconds'  if not  'miragee'

  4. I hate to be a goody goody but I think you've got a grammar issue there.  I think that question should have said "What other titles go well with...?" otherwise it's bad English.  If you haven't finished writing these books yet then I wouldn't worry too much about the titles yet.  I changed the title of my first novel 3 times before I finished it and I certainly wouldn't worry about other books in the series since you might completely change your mind about them by the time you've finished the first one.

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