
What outfit should i wear the first day of school?

by  |  earlier

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i'm gonna be a sophomore. what to wear what to wear?!? i just got like 4 pairs of cute shoes that have a bit of a heel on them should i wear those??




  1. a heal?


  2. Depends on your style and what you like. I would personally wear a cute top with a skirt (depends on weather though) and sandals or something. Heels or no heels depends up to you. Make sure it all matches though.

    And make sure all your accessories all go with your outfit :)

  3. WTF? We have been in school for 2 weeks already!!!??

  4. wear a cute logo tee with skinny jeans and some converse. and if you are girly wear some a cute skirt or some shorts and a cute solid tank with the heels. hope i helped.:)

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