
What over the counter drug is good for gout?

by Guest45450  |  earlier

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my boyfriend has gout (which is a type of arthritis that usually only men get) he doesn't have health insurance to get the medication he needs and it is too expensive to buy ourselves. Now we are trying to find something that isn't so expensive. Can someone please tell me what can help?




  1. Ibuprofen - take as directed.  Indomethacin is the drug of choice for gout but would take a physician's prescription.  Also, cutting down on the amount of red meat he is eating will also help and increasing his fluid intake until he is well.  Elevate the affected foot as often as he can.

  2. My dad has had gout for years and eating cherries or drinkg cherry juice helps.. With gout it is important that as the others said he stays away from meat, beer, beans and do not take aspirin it increases the amount of uric acid in the body. NSAID's are the preferred treatment for gout.  

  3. Common situation you met like many other people,therefor,be patient,and check the resource here i found useful.http://health-insurance.onlinebestoffer....

  4. I know gout normally effects men 30-60 years old but my first experience with gout was when I was 16. Classic case in the big toe. Since then I have had about 3 flair ups including one more recent in my ankle.

    I too am uninsured. I have only found slight relief with over the counter drugs. A dose of about 1600mg of Ibuprofen actually relieved the pain enough that I was able to put pressure on my foot and ankle.

    That being a large dose I looked for an alternative and discovered Aleve. Aleve worked amazingly for me. The inflammation was down and I was even able to hobble around with some minor pain. Although when the Aleve wore off the pain was back in full force!

    Medicines do work different for everybody but hopefully this helps.

  5. don't eat red meat or shellish & drink lots of water

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