
What painkillers can I give my cat?

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Accidentally stood on my kitten's foot while she was following me around. She seemed to be in a lot of pain to begin with but is now using the foot fine and doesn't seem to be in any pain any more. I just want to know if she does end up getting hurt if there's anything I can give her as it takes some time to get to a vet.




  1. First off, you should bring your cat in to the vet to have her foot checked. Secondly, DO NOT ever give your cat medication that isn't prescribed by your vet! You could end up killing your cat!!

  2. you dont want to give your cat anything without first talking to a vet!!

  3. umm you could of broke her foot and it may not have healed correctlY! TAKE HER TO THE VET!

  4. anthrax  

  5. if you are a responsible pet owner you would have taken it to the vets  

  6. Hi Gayle,

    I know personally how upset I feel if I step on my cat's foot by accident, when he is underfoot and neither of us notice. This being said:

    There is no safe pain medication for cats which you can purchase over the counter. Only pains meds prescribed by your veterinarian when a pet requires pain management.

    Additionally, if your veterinarian prescribed a particular medication for one condition, it may not be appropriate for another condition requiring pain medication. Also storing pain meds is not a good idea, because their efficacy may be diminished when expiration dates pass. Each injury or surgery requiring pain meds need to be evaluated separately.

    Glad your kitten's foot was not seriously injured.  Just keep an eye on her to make sure she is not limping. Generally these minor injuries resolved easily and without complication.

    Hope this helps,


    Owned by cats for over 40 years

    Former breeder of Oriental Shorthairs and Siamese cats

  7. No there isn't anything. Cats are very easy to overdose because of their digestive system and obviously their size. They are not like a dog that can take mild pain killers intended for humans. They really can't have them at all.

  8. only those prescribed by a vet - I wouldnt risk giving her normal aspirin or anything like that -  honestly

  9. You need to take her to the vet. You could kill her by giving her human medicine.  

  10. Ah, but it takes almost no time to CALL the vet!

    Do that, and then do exactly what they tell you - and no more.  Many human painkillers are very toxic to cats, an you could end up with a cat that is in liver failure and coincidentally has a bruised foot as well, if you're not careful.

      Keep in mind also, that pain is nature's way of saying "don't step on that, until I fix it."

  11. You can't.  Human meds such as aspirin and paracetamol are toxic to cats.  The only painkillers you can give to cats are those prescribed by a vet.  If your cat shows signs of pain, it is a sign that you need to take her to the vet.  

  12. i'd say any basic half-one and mix it with human food like hamburger... that should work

  13. Wait till you get to the vet next time, then ask him and if there is anything suitable for cats you can get it and keep it just in case.

    I wouldn't do anything unless the vet says it's suitable for cats.

    Did you ever think of giving the vet a quick call and ask him and if there is anything then you can get it and keep it.

    Think girl!!!!!!

  14. You can give a cat children's liquid tylenol. A dog can take a normal child's dose in pill form.

    Neither a cat of a dog (or any other pet) should be given aspirin without a Vet's OK.  

  15. Maybe see to your vet and see what he says.

    She could have injured her paw.

    There could be different types of pain killers for different types of sicknesses and injuries.

    Hope shes ok.


  16. Unfortunately, I've stepped on my cat's paws many times. They get under your feet, and it can't be avoided. It sounds like you cat has recovered. Just make sure she's not limping around tomorrow. If she were to get hurt in the future, Don't give her anything. Just rush to the vet.

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