
What painkillers should I use?

by  |  earlier

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I have a impacted wisdom tooth infection. My face is swollen and my jaw, teeth and throat hurt like h**l. I've been taking ibuprofen but I've already reached my recommended daily intake and it's only early afternoon. I have to wait till tomorrow morning to see my dentist and I won't be able to handle the pain without painkillers. Is there any other painkiller I can take bearing in mind I've already taken alot of ibuprofen?




  1. An ice pack will help some--maybe:  sometimes they do and sometimes they don't.  But usually they do.  You can also try swishing warm salt water around in your mouth---again, depending on what's going on in there, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.  I've also heard of biting down on ginger root or a clove of garlic, but I've never tried those.

    If you're in that much pain, would your dentist not see you on an emergency basis?  It might not hurt to try calling.  Or you could call around and see if another dentist might take you on as an emergency case, especially if you're starting to swell.

    Also, some of the ER doctors in my area will give you a shot of novocaine or one of the meds in that family to get you through the day/night along with a script for some Dexamethasone, which is an anti-inflammatory (steroid) to take the swelling down.  A lot of times you would be amazed at how much pain relief you can get just from relieving the swelling.

    Good luck--I hope you stop hurting soon.

  2. i would see if you can get an emergancy doctors appointment. but i wouldnt advise taking any moe pills as you have reached your limit..

    try holding a hot towel on your face to help with the pain b ut really with the swelling you need ice if you can bear it  

  3. I reckon paracetamol, from tescos, it's only 25p and it works a treat, it really does.  

  4. Get straight back to the doctors it will be a long night if you dont.

  5. Call your local pharmacy.  Tell them and they can instruct you on what you can take.

  6. It is acceptable to take full dose paracetamol, i.e. 8 x 500mg tablets in 24 hours, together with maximum dose ibuprofen. Avoid codeine containing medications like co-codamol as they produce severe constipation.

  7. Oil of cloves, get that piece of food that is stuck under the gum out and rinse your mouth with warm salty water otherwise try teething gel (e.g. Bonjela, which I think tastes yummy). I really couldn't say if a pain reliever like paracetamol is okay with an anti-inflammatory, avoid acetylsalicylic acid just in case you have dental work as you may bleed more easily. Check the source if your over sixteen.

  8. Hi

    paracodal or co-codamol contain a little codeine and paractamol making them stronger than paracetamol  on it's own. I get the ones you dissolve in water as they act more quickly. Get the numbing cream..can't remember the name but your chemist will know.Try hotwater bottle against jaw as well. Your dentist can also prescribe meds maybe they would help.If it's unbearable could you phone your doctor? My surgery is good but I know some arent. You could also go see out of hours doc if your surgery isnt helpful.

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