
What pair of running shoes do you recommend?

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I am an avid runner. I try to run 3 - 5 miles every day. I usually run on pavement but sometimes I enjoy a jog on trails and through grass. Let me know what kind of shoes you recommend and let me know if you have a favorite type of shoe. Leave a link if possible.




  1. I like asics. I have this pair and I love them. They're so light.. the first few days and first few runs I felt like I wasn't wearing anything. And the entire top is this mesh stuff so they're very breathable. I'd definitely recommend them.

  2. Nike shockes. They are amazing.

  3. everyone seems to use asics now-adays.

    i had one pair of them and i loved them.

    but now im using nikey, and their just a little too wide.

    but next time ill buy asics again

  4. Buy ones that fit your foot. That means go to a sporting goods store and try a bunch on. What you're running on doens't matter nearly as much as the fit.

  5. The fit is important, but so is the quality of the shoe. You don't want to have to replace them too often, since great quality shoes cost you more than say, something at Wal Mart.

    I recommend Spira shoes.  They have titanium springs in the sole (so they will set off metal detectors), and they give you great return when your feet hit the ground.  

    The Spira Volare has three springs - one at the heel and two at the ball of the foot, so the shoe should respond well to cross country as well as pavement running.  (There are other models as well. The Volare just happens to be on sale where I purchase my Spira shoes.  Link below.)

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