
What paperwork do I need to go to Toronto for a conference?

by Guest44969  |  earlier

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My work is sending me to Toronto for a conference, and I'm unsure what paperwork I need. I'm a U.S. citizen and will be there for a week. The CIC says business visitors need letters of support from their company. Do I need any of this? Is there anything else I need?




  1. No, you just need a passport or driver's licence or birth certificate to cross the Canadian/American border.  

    The Customs Officers will ask you where you are going, just tell them you are going to a conference in Toronto, the name of it, have the address and hours handy just incase they want details although it is unlikely.  If you are staying overnight, have the information for your hotel/accomodations.  If you have a US birth certificate or copy of one, bring it just incase.  

    I believe you don't need a passport until June 2009 when traveling by land and sea.  Until then, a government driver's license or birth certificate is sufficient.  HOWEVER, I have heard of incidents from newspapers where passports were required.  Passports are only required for entering by air.  If you want to be 100% trouble-free.  Use a passport.  

    The business letter you are referring to is not for visitors.  It has to do with immigration and is identical to US procedures.  Not sure why the CIC would have something as misleading as that on their site.  P.s. The CIC is for Citizenship and Immigration, not border customs or visiting status.

  2. You need a passport.

  3. it depends on your mode of transportation. if by road u can use a birth certificate and a licence or 2 pieces of photo id to get accross the boarde 2009. after that u will need a pass port.

    if your going by air u will need to have your pass port. to get into your conference u will most likely need some identification. if the CIC says they need letters then bring some along just in case.

  4. It depends on your method of travel and the issue is more not getting into Canada but rather getting back into the USA.  Assuming that you're driving, all you will need to cross the border in either direction is a form of gov't issue ID (eg: driver's licence) and proof of citizenship (eg:  birth certificate).  If you're travelling by air, you would still only need your DL and birth certificate to enter Canada.  Returning to the USA by air though would mean that you need a valid passport.  (The air carrier wouldn't let you board the aircraft in the USA unless you had a valid passport).

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