
What part do you think white guilt is playing in Obama's poll ratings?

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White guilt and the desire to show that you're "more enlightened" than other whites does exist, and drives hare-brained schemes like affirmative action. What part do you personally think it plays in Obama's bid for the white house?




  1. A lot among liberals. Thinking people have no white guilt. We learned who set the slaves free and who passed the civil rights act.

  2. A big part of the "PC" community will say one thing and vote another.

    The good news is when the results are tabulated on election day, we will find out!

  3. Sometimes, I think people make a huge effort to show how NOT racist they are, which makes me think that they actually ARE racist. Otherwise, they would be able to see through this charade and see the person he actually is.  

  4. a big part.

  5. People say one thing in polls but vote another in November.  Obama will not win in November.

  6. man i thought i was the only one that didn't know that 5000 black slaves and free men fought in the american revolution and got screwed over when it came to the declaration of independence so the dumb thought of sending them back would of been wrong and also I'm with you on the thought of white guilt has played a major role in obamas campaign because hes an idiot and a socialist hes no better then chavez of Venezuela

  7. I think there are just as many people voting on white guilt as people who voting against him because he is black. So it basically cancels out.

  8. o..nada...none

  9. Zero. People in general are fed up with the terrible things that have been done to the USA by the current admin and this discontent crosses party lines. Everyone is more than ready for a new leader, whatever that entails.

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