
What part of Jerusalem is holy to Muslims ??

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1. King David (1004-970 BCE) One of King David's first actions as king was to conquer Jerusalem and declare it the capital of his kingdom. A geopolitical constraint apparently dictated this choice, despite the city's drawbacks. Some 2000 years before Islam came to be.

2.The Dome of the Rock (Arabic, Qubbat al-Sakhra) and The al-Aksa Mosque were both built on the ruins of the Temple site.




  1. All of it. It is the third holiest city in Islam. Jerusalem should be in Muslim control like it has been for thousands of years. They can take better care of Jerusalem.

    Edit: Available to any non-skinny girl.

    What was it before David decided to conquer it and declare it the capital of his kingdom? Not Jewish, I would assume. Jewish people need to get out of Jerusalem, they are doing nothing but accruing more hatred towards themselves. Traditionally Christians have hated them by accusing them of killing Jesus, but now the Muslims hate them too. Please get out of Jerusalem and their country before their hatred for Jewish people explodes and turns into something really horrible. This is just my suggestion. I am not involved on either side but I do care about people dying.

  2. It's where Mohammed ascended to heaven. The specific location is where the Dome of the Rock is located in Jerusalem.

  3. I am a Muslim and I can answer this question in the following:

    -In Islam, we believe that King David is a Prophet

    -In Islam, we believe that King David received a holy-book as Prophet Moses.

    Quran 4:164.

    -In Islam, we believe that Prophet Moses followers received instructions from Allah to enter "Holy-Land" following the Exodus from Egypt. The followers did not answer the instruction as that land was inhabited by people of great power that they can not afford to fight and thus Allah forbidded this land for 40 years where Moses followers lost in their way.

    Quran 5:21-

    - In Islam, Followers of Moses as well as Followers of Jesus are respected.

    Now..let us agree that when this subject is raised the following are included

    - Religion: A disagreement is there about the boundaries of that holyland. In Islam-for example we have two cities constitue the holy-land Makka and Madina namely.

    Isreal has been trying its very best -actually- to find proof of that and it seems that after 60 years nothing is discovered to prove any remains exist below the surface which is really weired.

    -Politics: This includes the fact that this is a land with resources and it is of everyone interest to control it so the wars were means to control.

    -People: This land before Moses followers was inhabited -Very Powerfull People- and Palestine people claim that right and in wars they lost their homes and become refugee.

    So this is a messy situation and no one is perfectly innocent.

    Now concerning the importance of this land in Islam  can be summarized in the following:

    - Prophet Mohamed ascended from AQSA Mosque to Heaven after a trip from Makka. Prayer was instructed during that.

    -Muslims used to direct their faces during prayer to AQSA and then Allah instructed Muslims to direct their faces toward QAA-BA.

  4. It was, it is, it will forever be the Jewish most holy place.

    Muslims sued for destroying Jewish Temple artifacts

    Israeli citizens in court with landmark case over Judaism's holiest site

    History of destruction

    The last time the Waqf conducted a large dig on the Temple Mount – during construction 10 years ago of a massive mosque at an area referred to as Solomon's Stables – the Wafq reportedly disposed truckloads of dirt containing Jewish artifacts from the First and Second Temple periods.

    After media reported the disposals, Israeli authorities froze the construction permit given to the Wafq, and the dirt was transferred to Israeli archaeologists for analysis. The Israeli authorities found scores of Jewish Temple relics in the nearly disposed dirt, including coins with Hebrew writing referencing the Temple, part of a Hasmonean lamp, several other Second Temple lamps, Temple-period pottery with Jewish markings, a marble pillar shaft and other Temple period artifacts. The Waqf was widely accused of attempting to hide evidence of the existence of the Jewish Temples.

  5. Mr Y is right. This page explains the extent to which Muslim interest in Jerusalem is merely one of political expedience.

    An Egyptian answerer here predicates Islam's interest in this city on Muhammed's alleged journey to Jerusalem. Yet, Egyptian clerics recently reiterated that Muhammed NEVER journeyed to Jerusalem!

    " . . .  this traditional account confirms that the final destination of the Hijra of the Prophet which was carried out secretly was a mosque -– that is, a praying place -– in Medina. 'In conclusion, the Night Journey (Isra') was not to Palestine; rather, it was to Medina. It began at the Al-Haram Mosque [in Mecca]  . . . and the journey ended at the mosque  . . . in Medina . . .  ."

    For additional info., see:

  6. The parts they get to kill innocent women and children in.  They are constantly crying about Jews killing kids but then who did it first.  The Muslims but they forget.

  7. Hmmm I don't think the mosque was even there when this fairy tail was written

  8. no part. jerusalem is not mentioned in the koran even once, but mecca and medina are mentioned dozens of times.

    the only sites that they claim are holy now are places where they destroyed a jewish holy site and then built something in its place.

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