
What part of New Zealand is best to live in?

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Hi im jason and i want to move to New Zealand and i was just wondering about what country would be better to live in. They say to stay away from the north b/c of crime, and also stay away from the western coast b/c of the flyes and the deadly waves. But what else is there. Is New Zealand as dangerous and crimefully as they say.




  1. well it really depends what you want

    sunny climate, somewhere near skifields/snow in winter?

    big city, small town?

    the basics are:

    Auckland, largest city, North island (population approx 1.2 million) highish rainfall, warm humid summers

    Wellington, capital city, bottom of the North island (population approximately 200,000), very windy

    Christchurch, 2nd largest city, South island (population approx 400,000) dry, colder winters than the north island main centres

    those are the 3 biggest cities but there are many other that you might consider.

    Nelson at the top of the South island has the highest amount of sunshine in NZ and is situated close to the Abel tasman national park where you will find some of the most beautiful golden sand beaches in NZ (population approx 45,000)

    Dunedin, further south of Christchurch is another biggish city, also colder in winter but only a couple of hours drive from Queenstown and Wanaka, the best skiing locations in NZ

    Hamilton, Tauranga and Rotorua are other cities in the North island. Tauranga has a great climate, very warm in summer. Rotorua is a tourist hot spot due to all the geothermal activity naturally occuring there.

    and theres many more!

    check out

    for house listings and job listings

    for weather and climate information for NZ and

    for information on what you need to be able to move to NZ in the first place

    good luck

  2. This question made me grin, because it shows you have probably talked to New Zealanders. By New Zealand standards, everything you said is true, of course. We see Auckland as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the blackflies of the West Coast grow to monstrous proportions in the Kiwi psyche.

    The truth is though that Auckland was recently ranked the 5th best city in the world in which to live, and the blackflies of the West Coast are not even a trifle when compared to the truly dangerous species you have to live with in a lot of countries.

    Now, I understand you want the very best, especially in a position where you can actually choose where to go.

    My opinion on which places in New Zealand are best to live in comes from having lived in Europe and in North America and Britain before, so my expectations of a place are high.

    I would recommend the following places to you:

    Wellington (absolutely gorgeous and scenic city, unless you don't like wind)

    Queenstown (small, but lovely, and in the mountains; not cheap, but sophisticated, and with a distinct "Switzerland feel" to it)

    Personally, I live in Dunedin, which I like, but I don't think the gruff, Scottish manner of Dunedinites is something I would recommend to anyone, unless you come from a similar background, and know how to bark back, which I do.


  3. Auckland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Well thanks for giving me a good chuckle!!

    Also this question gets asked at least once a week so if you search past questions you can see those answers.

    It doesn't help when you don't indicate what you are wanting & where you are from.  Don't know whether you want big city or rural or the jobs epicentre???? etc.  You don't say what line of work you are in or anything useful.

    I assume you mean the surf beaches in West Auckland or the West Coast of the South Island???  Well, just go to the beach but don't swim I guess?  They have life guards during summer at the West Auckland beaches like Piha.  They are not good for swimming, really you'd only go out in the water if you're a surfer & would therefore know all the risks regarding that.  Yes people do drown every summer at those surf beaches but they are inexperienced & somewhat stupid people who take risks or allow their children to swim there which is crazy when we have literally 100 or more other beaches in around Auckland that are not dangerous surf beaches.

    Not aware of any flies?  Maybe sandflies?  Geez a bit wimpy aren't you?  Are you from London or something??

    Crime?? Are you kidding?  If you want danger go to the UK or the USA.  Our crime is laughable compared to what you get in those countries.  And Australia for that matter.

    Just use common sense like anywhere else & don't walk through parks at night or hitchhike.  And look after your belongings, especially as a tourist.  But you're not likely to be harmed violently in any case, just have your possessions taken from your car or something like that while you're travelling.  And don't go bushwalking alone or without telling a local conservation office or your accomodation reception where you are going & when you expect to return.

    We have alot of house burglary in NZ because we have an outdoor lifestyle so you can be burgled during the day, but you just have an alarm & security locks that meet your insurance companies standard.  I've never been burgled in NZ or had anything taken from my car but I was robbed many times in Sydney, Australia.

    Also it was just on the news re the latest list of the top cities in the world to live in re quality & cost of living, Auckland was no. 5 in the world & Wellington was no. 12.  So not bad going, our crime can't be bad at all as the UK & USA don't even have any cities in the top 30 countries on this list.

    If you're planning on living here you need to have skills we need re filling a job role in an area of our job market that we have a shortage in, like IT, teaching or nursing or a doctor, etc.

    Auckland  & Wellington have the most jobs & the best nightlife (bars & clubs can stay open till 5am).  Wellington is super friendly & easy to fit in as a newcomer but the wind is terrible & the winter weather awful, but a sunny day in summer is great.  Auckland is cliquey & less friendly, has nearly 2 million people there, only 4 million in the whole of NZ.  Dreadful traffic problems & crappy public transport in Auckland.  Great in the summer, tons of beaches & great out on the water in Auckland harbour  & there are islands to go to for the day or weekend in Auckland.

    Everywhere you go in NZ has stunning scenery.  Everywhere!

    this will give you an idea of work availability if you enter a job you are wanting

    this is a job seekers worksite

    contact immigration to find out the criteria you need to meet in order to live here

  5. NZ is one of the kindest (and most socially mature) countries in the world. And I mean that in its broadest sense. In the main its people are friendly, kind and welcoming but it's also a 'kind' land. No venomous creatures, no real extremes of weather (although the weather really isn't as good as it used to be) and there isn't a single part of the entire country that is unattractive, except maybe parts of the Desert Road in the lower NI. It's a good place for the soul. And for children.

    Not sure that applies in the main cities so much these days, especially Auckland, which is just like any other city. Bit more attractive than most. But outside of Auckland, in smaller places like Hastings, Napier, The Coromandel, Nelson and Russell the real NZ still persists.

    I will admit I became a little disillusioned with the politics and some of the extreme politically correct things that were done in the last few years but none of those really touch you as an individual. NZ is still a very special place to live.

  6. Christchurch is a good place to live. Has evreything you need. Its a bit boring but has average cafes, nightlife, weather. Doesn't cost too much to live there. Not that good if you are a beach person but a good central point to go anywhere in the South Island.

  7. go the corromandal!!best gunga in nz and the most beatiful,chilled out place in my eyes....

  8. Jason, it's great that you want to come to NZ! It depends on what you want to do in NZ but there are presently many jobs for building trades due to a big surge in housing. Agriculture & viticulture are also massive as is forestry & fishing. I have lived here for 68 years & have never been a victim of crime and frankly you probably have a better chance of being struck by lightning than been a victim of crime. I'm sure you will be most welcome & will enkoy it here. Sandflies only bite if you bite them first, haha.

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