
What part of a chart would indicate someone prone to having migraines?

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if they have no aries in their chart'





  1. Everyone has aries somewhere in their chart.

    Aries, the 1st Sign

    The 1st House

    The ruler of the 1st House

    All these pertain to the brain.

    Moon and Mercury are the lower and higher minds

    If they are conjunct or aspected tightly by Saturn or Mars or Rahu or Ketu - migrane is likely.

    These are the factors to look for, you have to use intelligence to see how they relate in any individuals unique chart.

    ~~~ edit, second answer ~~~~~~

    "tight" means that the degrees are small. if moon is at 2º and saturn 7 houses away at 2º in that house, the aspect is "extremely tight" can't get any tighter actually. Sometimes this is called a "tight orb".

    when the orb is less that 5º the influence is very strong. in 10º it's strong, more than 10º it's significantly weaker.

  2. Hi Moondie

    Even though you have no planets in Aries, you still have that sign in your chart as well as all the others.

    Mars rules the eyes, face, jaw etc.... as well as the brain, cerebral hemisphers. An afflicted Mars or a planet in Aries would cause headache.

    Mars aspecting Mercury or Moon would give migranes but not from the trine nor from the trine of Saturn.

    Depending on his placement, Saturn rules more the gall bladder, teeth, skin, joints, bones, ligmaments etc.... Saturn is cold , dry and chronic, contracting, restricting and obstructing.

    Mars is hot and dry , inflammatory, eruptive, violent, blood rushing through the head etc... So it would be obvious that he has a say in your migraines.

    I suspect that you are forgetting Pluto which is probalby inconjunct with Mars, Moon, or Mercury. As this is a health aspect negatively, that would definitely cause some concern.

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