
What part of france do crepes some from?

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What part of france do crepes some from?




  1. Brittany, in northwestern France

  2. CrepesCrepes originated in the west of France, in a region called Brittany. They have since become quite popular throughout France and the rest of Europe. In areas where crepes are popular, they serve as street and carnival fare as well as portions of restaurant menus. Just as many North American cities are home to hot dog and pretzel stands, many European cities are home to crepe carts where pedestrians can order their favorite crepe to eat from a paper plate as they take a stroll.

  3. A liitle village near Croissants & Baguettes, 50Km from Fromage and 2hr train ride from Jambon!

  4. The crappy part. In French, that is crepes!

  5. 20 miles west of the town of French Fries

  6. Brittany, and they are delicious, fairly cheap and best of all,

    availiable everywhere,  best enjoyed piping hot smothered in chocolate yum.

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