
What part of spain shall i livein?

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i am thinking of relocating to spain, basically had enough of britain. i have an 11yr old boy, who will need an international school. i shall be selling my home with quite a lot of collaterol on it but do not want to but in spain. i want somewhere where there is sun all year round, good atmosphere, not too rowdy and basically offers all what a single mum needs. i am a secretary, but am thinking about taking the CELTA course, teaching english as a foreign language. any tips? was thinking of the costa del sol




  1. If I had the option I would live on the eastern side of Majorca.

    Beautiful island.

  2. Depends, do you want a city or something quieter?

    If you want a city, as cities have the best and more choice of international schools, Barcelona is great - but if you want somewhere a bit smaller try Valencia.

  3. i luvvvvvvvvvvvv barcelona!!! i have been ther 2 times and i absolutely love it!!!!!! awesome place!! i know an english family that live there with 2 sons and they bot go 2 school ther wher they learn english, spanish and catalan. and i know they love it ther!!!!

  4. What about Galica , Here the people are nice , food well first class beaches plenty of them countryside . Good schools. Plenty fiesta´s free live music bands and Latin American live orchestras. Kid´s plenty thing´s for them to do . I live near La Coruña, Here the kid´s come first always thing´s going on for them in most town´s  through the day they have Pantomimes, at night they open air cinema. Nice place to live and the air is clean

  5. salu has English schools its a lovely place

  6. Anywhere on the south or med coast.

  7. edo some research and then decide ..... we cant really say on her unless you find someone in Spain you can advise you

  8. I suggest you may want to choose a place that has quite a high expat community simply because you would feel isolated and cut off if you moved somewhere where there were no Brits. Your son would probably intergrate far more quicker and easier, kids generally do.

    The Celts course is a waste of time for Spain, there are too many language schools, private teachers and the like all thinking they can make a living. Sorry to disappoint you, but I moved to the Costa in 1991 with my daughter who was 20 at the time, and she got a job quicker than me. We have had a good life, she is now married to a Spaniard (who is a great family man) I have a grand daughter and could not want for more. It was tough at first but we made it and we are still here. I am still single but that is my choice. The main problem is the lack of decent work now there are so many foreigners living on the Costas, whilst most Brits speak a second language, the Eastern Europeans often speak 5 or 6 leaving us standing.

    I think it is a great idea for you and your son, but think of how he would intergrate, ask him if he would mind going to Spanish school, (international schools are not cheap). It is a very difficult age for a child to leave the UK but better than when he is around 14. If you are determined to go with the flow, accept the pitfalls of living on savings for a length of time if you don't find work etc. Renting an apartment can cost around 500E to 600E a month and you may find that you only earn around 1000E a month would this keep you both comfortably?

    Learn Spanish (you and your son) before you move and this will benefit you greatly.

    Good luck to you, I did it and so can you.

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