
What part of the US Constitution requires prior experience to run for executive office?

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What part of the US Constitution requires prior experience to run for executive office?




  1. You have to experience being born of American parents, or being born on US soil. ("And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond sea, or outside the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens."  Act of 1795)

    You have to have 35 years of experience breathing.

    And you have to have experienced living permanently in the United States for the last 14 years.

    That's it.  These experience qualifications can be found in section 1, clause 5.

  2. There's no part about that.  

  3. none i remember but u must be a certain age be in control of your fatuity's not insane or senile

  4. No part of it. Discussion of it is just politics.

  5. The part that says you have to be 35 years old.

    That is all the experience you need.

  6. I would really hope that you would want your canidate to have more expierience, than 1, 3 year term as a Junior Senator, who spent 2 years of his term campaigning for President.

  7.   The idea of vast amounts of experience is widely overblown.  The fact is Washington DC has legions of professionals who can be called upon to give support and advice to any elected official.  The state department has people who have spent their lives in service of the government.

    The number of professional diplomats is unprecedented.

    The problem comes when these elected officials start using these positions to offer political favors for their friends.  Too often they assign jobs to people who are not qualified instead of using the professional who could do a better job.  One example of this is using Rumsfeld as secretary of defense, another is Brown as secretary of Interior when Katrina hit.  Had qualified people held these posts, history would have been re-written.

    The Constitution is fine the way it is, we need people in elected positions to quit rewarding the unqualified, at our expense !

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