
What part of the country is going to have the most riots, if obama doesn't win?

by  |  earlier

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I vote for LA




  1. He won't be elected, especially after last night.

    WHEN he loses, I have to agree with you that LA will riot, they seem to do that.

  2. When did I stop beating my wife? That's a lot of speculation.

  3. Why would it be embarrassing is Obama were elected?  

    When Bush was inaugurated in January of 2001, people were protesting on the streets of the Washington DC.  Eggs were even thrown at his limousine as it passed by.  If people protest the election, they'll march in Washington DC.  

  4. So you are a racist who loves God. I am sure God is very proud of your racist views.

    I just love hypocritical "Christians".

    Do as I say, not as I act.

    Hate, rasicm and xenophobia are not Christian acts!

  5. Pick any large city with a large ethnic minority population and it's an even money bet.

  6. They'll only tear up thier own nieghbor hoods much like the LA riots and those of the 70's.

    Just be thankful they are not smart enough to go into suburbia where they can do some significant damage.

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