
What part of the dark knight was it where the joker said; "And here…We…GO"?

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i'm trying to make this web page thingy so thats why i'm asking. so does anyone know?




  1. close to the end of the movie where the joker is with batman and the two boats are supposed to blow one or the other up by a certain time. the time comes and he goes "and here we go" but then nothing happens.  

  2. This scene is the Joker's last scene in the film where he kidnapped the doctors from Gotham General Hospital(the hospital he blew up) and held them hostage in that construction site.  When Batman made his way to the top of the building, where the Joker was waiting, they fought, the Joker lowered some type of lift thingy onto Batman, pinning him down.  And the dialogue goes from there:

    JOKER: Oh, the familiar places.  You know, we really should stop this fighting.  Otherwise, we'll miss the fireworks.

    BATMAN: There aren't gonna be any fireworks.

    JOKER: And here...we...GO.


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