
What part of the government controls all these 9-11 conspiracy theories?

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What part of the government controls all these 9-11 conspiracy theories?




  1. Some of the far-out theories probably originated from FBI and CIA to try to paint all people seeking truth as idiots.  Good strategy on their part, but people are seeing through it now.

  2. Are you saying you believe in the theory of a government conspiracy to control conspiracy theories?

  3. That would be the Federal Department of Bullshit, and the Central Crackpot Agency.

  4. Controls the theories, themselves, or is behind the actions alleged in theories?

    The former would be the Bureau of Rejected Lame Hollywood Film Stories.

    The latter would the the Department of Evil, Cackling Wealthy Puppet Masters

  5. Look, people in the Government have leaked to the New York Times about secret wire taps, secret prisons for terrorist, kidnapping of terrorist suspects in foreign countries, and torture of terrorist.  Yet the government is going to find people launch the 911 attach and to cover it up.  We are talking about thousands of people that would have to know and keep their months shut about it.  The CIA can't keep their people from talking about water boarding, how are they going to do it for mass murder?

    The government did not launch 911, it was there fault that they did not prevent it.

  6. None.

  7. Have no doubt that the government (that is, the criminal elements within the government) intentionally leak disinformation in an effort to entice people into believing theories that can be debunked such as the "no planes" theory.  That is one of the many tools they use to discourage people from seeking the truth of 9/11.

  8. I don't know that there is one...those theories really don't deserve any recognition...they are just too ridiculous.

  9. The FBI..

    COINTELPRO is an acronym for a series of FBI counterintelligence programs designed to neutralize political dissidents. Although covert operations have been employed throughout FBI history, the formal COINTELPRO's of 1956-1971 were broadly targeted against radical political organizations.

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