
What part of your arm do you use to set a volleyball??

by  |  earlier

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please help!!! i have made a bet with my mum and i need to win!!!




  1. Well, first of all you mainly use your hands to set, but i think you might mean to *dig or *pass the ball and with that you use the middle of your fore arms, elbows straight and push your body up into the ball.

    *Same, just different names.

  2. I was the setter on my volleyball team in high school.  The way you set the ball in with your finger tips....about where your fingerprints are.  Use you arms to push the ball up.

  3. to set the volleyball you use your fingerss

    but if you mean to pass the volleyball you use your forearms

  4. ~~~~~~~~hey...when ur setting a volleyball you use mainly the tips of ur fingers...and agin all ur power comes from ur legs pushing up...good luck with ur bet!!!!~~~~~~~~~~

  5. forearm

  6. its all about the legs. right in front of left. put your arms up like you are drinking a 2 liter of cola and you have it..your fingers should be doing to movement along with where your toes are pointed.

  7. all of your fingers. because if you use you palm in tossing/setting, it's a violation. and you opponent will score. better research for tossing or setting in volleyball

  8. your fingertips! i've been playing for a couple years now, and ive gone through much training. bend your knees and push it up with your fingertips!!

  9. well the part you use is your fingers. but the power comes from your legs.

  10. volleyballer4407 and sammi are right.

    P.S. Sarah J- you do NOT spike with your fist

  11. all of your fingers, and your thumb. the tips of them

  12. to set a volleyball you use your finger tips and the power comes from your legs...using your palms will get you a carry......i know im a volleyball player

  13. Well for a set you use your finger tips

    For the forearm pass you use your forearm

    For the spike you use your fist or palm

    So i guess for the set you don't use your arm at all.

  14. i play club volleyball and am a setter so trust me u dont use ur arm u use ur fingers mainly the tips no plams!

  15. your finger tips your hands start low close to your face and then u push up

  16. your palm!

  17. your fingers and but u get the extention from ur elbow and your knees to also get that extiontion

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