
What part of your body works the hardest when surfing?

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I was just wondering - is it your legs for the balance etc, or the arms when you have to paddle/pull yourself up.

I'm OBVIOUSLY not a surfer, but I'd like to learn - I go to the gym quite often - what exercises would be beneficial for a begining surfer to make learning easier?




  1. Your shoulders when paddling out and your thighs,hammies,calves and your butt.

    Pushups,military press,lunges,calf raises and do not forget the most important one of all,YOUR CORE!

  2. Your arms work the hardest because you've got so much paddling to do.

    When it comes to bodyboarding, both your arms and legs get a good workout.

    Swimming is a great way to sculpt your entire body because you're practically using all muscles at once.

  3. well i would say youre legs.

  4. Your brain. If you can really get your head into it, you have everything.

    Now that you understand that surfing is a soul sport, not just a body sport, you need to be in good overall condition. Work real hard at being a good strong ocean swimmer to build your upper body. Work everything hard from the waist down for balance and control.

    I'm 55 and my hips and lower back seem to suffer the most when I start out for the season.

  5. Your stomach and lower back, I think. SURF ON DUDES!!!

  6. My shoulders and upper back would always kill after a trip to the beach.

  7. Your arms paddling in and out. When you go to catch a wave there is a lot of paddling involved to catch the way, and then you get to stand up and enjoy the ride. Your arms need to be strong espeially your tricepts and shoulders. You should sculpt your arms well and if there is a rowing machine at the gym or health club you are a member of use it. Good Luck and have fun learning to surf.

  8. your shoulders, back and arms. you should lift weights and do push ups.

    Definitely do learn to surf! its heaps of fun.

  9. My thumb. LOL!

    Sorry. Bad "remote control" joke. Seriously, I find that it is my lower back that does the most work when surfing. It is the link between your legs and upper body, the core of your balance. Your upper leg muscles are a close second. The arms definitely come into play, but the bulk of the work comes from your core, which when on the board is primarily your lower back and upper leg muscles, working together to balance your top half with your bottom half and the board.

    As far as exercises, it is all good. You want to strengthen yourself as equally across the board as possible. Strength training and cardiovascular are both equally important as well.

    Good luck! It's a lot of fun!

    Edit: LOL! I contradicted the first person. This just goes to show: it can vary from person to person, depending on their surfing style and their strengths and weaknesses. He is certainly not necessarily wrong. Ultimately it is a trial-by-error kind of a hobby.

  10. The shoulders, lower back, and quads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    At the gym i would do...

    1.Push ups and pull ups.  You have to be able "pop up" to your feet from the paddling position.

    2.Core exercises. Important for balance and when doing maneuvers like cutbacks etc.

    3. Squats. Works the quads for popping up, pumping down the line, and other surf maneuvers.

    4. Yoga or stretching. Helps to keep you limber, lose, and prevents injury.

  11. it's a whole body workout really. arms and shoulders for paddling, legs for balance, etc. your first time surfing you'll be using different muscles than you would for a lot of other things. for basic exercises, try pullups, pushups, situps, swimming, weight lifting. after surfing a few sessions, you'll get a feel for the necessary muscle groups.

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