
What parts of the 400m should I sprint if i can only sprint 200m of the race.?

by Guest34315  |  earlier

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The whole problem in my 400 is Is i lose The lead and then I catchup at the end. But sometimes the catchup isnt enough.

Thank you for all answers




  1. the 400 is all out all the way, its called the 400m DASH not the 400m RUN

    Go as fast as you can totally relaxed until the 200m mark, then squeeze out evey bit of whatever you have left all the way in, you should be in total lactic acid pain with 100m to go, thats where is gets fun

  2. Get comfortable for the first 150m and then start picking it up the next 50m. Go all out the last 200m.

  3. I actually run it differently than the others I start out the race sprinting. Like the first 100m go all out and lean into the curve to build speed. Then in the last 150m again lean into the turn because this builds speed and saves energy and build up for 50m then give it everything you have on the last 100m. Also you should probably work on your endurance because you should be able to sprint at least 300m of the race. Good luck!!!

  4. At 150m start to build up, at 200m keep the pace, at 300m go all out.

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