
What parts of the body should be trained to make volleyball tryouts a breeze?

by Guest61339  |  earlier

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also to be able to run a mile under 10 minutes??




  1. Well, thats a good question. I work on my ab's, arm streanght and legs. You need ab's because if you hit then you need ab's to slam the ball. And work on your legs so that you can jump and run. And the mile thing, well i can run a mile uner 10 minutes and im not very skinny. Just work on your whole pysic.

  2. volley_model_lover has the correct answer.  You need to work everything.  Volleyball is different from most sports.  You need to get everything in shape.  You need your legs to be in shape for the endurance of long matches, for quick movement and for jumping.  You need to have your arms in shape for quick and strong actions of hitting and also endurance for 100 swings or more in a day.  You need strong stomach muscles to help initiate the serve and your hitting.  And also your back needs to be strong to handle all of the actions that you are doing.  

    In other words, everything.

  3. All parts equally.  If your muscles are unbalanced you will begin to have injuries.  For example, if your quad is stronger than your hamstring or the other way around, you are in line for some knee injuries.  Basically though, quads, hams, calves, back, biceps, triceps.

  4. EVERYTHING!!!! but mostly your abs cuz they help you balance while doing everything and your legs will also be needed to play all of the positions and your lungs are going to have a hard workout with running good luck!

  5. Legs an thighs definitely. Also ankles!


    Work on your jump-

    your fingers, wrists, and legs

    also make sure you have endurance, running and just doing physical work for long periods of time...

  7. Hey there!  I say definitely work on your arms, both upper and forearm, because you need awesome strength to hit that ball over the net with fierceness. :)

    Also work on your legs, because jumping and running around are two things you'll be doing on the court, and you don't want your legs to be tired, because then your game won't be on point.

    Good luck babe!

  8. ABS!!!!!

  9. under 5 mins! and believe it or not ur abs  they help u get u really good serv and legs r really important so when u do ur squats they wont hurt as bad good luck!!!!!!!!

  10. You should always do plyometrics to help you jump higher... (jumping on different levels of blocks to increase vertical) you should also work your core muscles. im talking about your abs, back, etc....lunges are a killer, but make your butt stronger so you can jump higher. make sure you brush up on volleyball too!!!

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