
What part(s) of your body are broken/have stitches?what has happened to you?

by Guest56612  |  earlier

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I myself don't have any

I was wondering how naughty the world is




  1. While riding in a horse comp when I was 15..the mare I was riding didnt like the judges voice so she reared up to show her displeasure, I came was muddy so she fell as well...but lucky for the horse..I was there to cushion her she didnt get hurt one little bit :P Unluckily for me..she broke 4 of my ribs..broke my collar bone, cracked my pelvis and, fractured my T11 (part of the spine) broke my wrist, 3 fingers, chipped 2 teeth and even broke a nail..LOL..up until that time, and ever since..I havent broken any other bone lol

    As for stitches..only when I had the kids, and when I got my wisdom teeth out, they stitched up my gums :P

    All in all...Im accident prone..but Im tonka tuff..LOLOL

  2. I have scar on my forehead around left eye from a dog bite, it almost blinded me. It had to have about 50 stitches. I also have scar (dog bite) on top of my skull which you really can not see it cause of hair. I am a police dog trainer and accident does happens. Also, I have a deep accidental knife cut scar on my left index finger from a childhood. I have broken right ankle (playing soccer), broken ribs and Toe from Karate, broken left pinkie finger from a car accident~! NO MORE PLEASE~!!!  

  3. broke my figner and big toe and had stiches in my hand from falling on broken glass also from breaking up a pitbull fight, getting shot with a bb gun,busting a window, and  busting another window which required 50 staples

  4. I currently have a shattered knee and 3 broken ribs after being hit by a car out the front of my house.

  5. i have broken my right thumb twice and my left thumb once

    and my big toe on my right foot once

    and a knuckle

    but never gotten stitches (even though i should have)

    and not to bad

    once your over a certain age, you should be able to control your pain and it doesn't get that bad

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