
What party do I think like?

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I think I sound like democrat but I need someones opinion:

I am against g*y marriage

I am against abortion

I am against the war in Iraq

I believe in conspiracies

I am for Death Penalty

I am against alcohol and tobacco

I am against FBI/CIA/Taxes

I believe that a person should have $2 Billion wealth limit

I believe that a person can only marry 3 times

And I believe and against Global Warming




  1. A conservative rebuplicRAT with a warped sense of reality.

  2. you sound like an independent. don't waste your time identifying with either Democrats or Republicans. those parties are just two faces of the same SYSTEM.  

  3. u def sound like republican

  4. Generally...

    I am against g*y marriage - Rep

    I am against abortion - Rep

    I am against the war in Iraq - Dem

    I believe in conspiracies - Both

    I am for Death Penalty - Rep

    I am against alcohol and tobacco - Both

    I am against FBI/CIA/Taxes - Don't know

    I believe that a person should have $2 Billion wealth limit - Don't know

    I believe that a person can only marry 3 times - Don't know

    And I believe and against Global Warming - Dem

  5. you are definitely a liberal with social paranoid delusions of the third reich.  so that would make you an authoritarian.

  6. No that is not a Democrat. More like a Libertarian exept the alcohol, wealth limit, marriage limit and global warming.

    Democrats LOVE taxes. That is what the party is all about. If you don't like taxes you are most certainly not a Democrat.  

  7. Hmmm...Libertarian? No, you really don't fit a particular party. But your opposition to homosexual marriage and abortion means that liberals hate you, so you might as well be a Republican. ^_^

    EDIT: Wait a would punish someone MORE harshly for harboring an illegal immigrant than you would for MURDERING two people???

    How old are you? 13?

  8. You don't sound at all like a Democrat, nor a Libertarian.  You sound like a Republican except for the following:

    I am against the war in Iraq

    I am against FBI/CIA/Taxes

    I believe that a person should have $2 Billion wealth limit

    I believe that a person can only marry 3 times

    And I believe and against Global Warming

    Oh and about the oil prices I believe that we shoud cut back drilling 50-75 percent and the reason for gas prices is the government just trying to make money.

    These are broad brush stroke comments of course, but Republicans tend to be for the wealthy (so, are for taxes on the lower classes and against wealthy people paying their share,) for government control (i.e., support the FBI, CIA... and their "conspiracy theories" tend to be externalized rather than internalized.), and tend to disbelieve in global warming (primarily because they're industrialists who don't want to accept responsibility.)

    And as for placing limits on wealth and the number of times that a heterosexual couples can marry, I've never heard of any party taking that kind of stance.

    Putting those together with your anti-Liberal stances leaves you out of step with any major party.  Perhaps you should start your own?  

  9. I don't think you're going to find a party that really fits, but that really doesn't matter since you hate them all anyway.  Perhaps this might help:

    -- 10 question quiz; good info on political positions:

    -- More in-depth quiz; world view of political positions, including US Presidential candidates:


  10. You sound pretty Republican to me

  11. You are Democrat "Lite".  1/2 the fat of regular Democrats.

  12. Mostly Republican, but that's a good example of why putting yourself into a political "category" is bad.

  13. kind of Republican

  14. Your a confused Republican with Libertarian tendacies. haha

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