
What passenger train has the best interior setup?

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What passenger train has the best interior setup?




  1. The Southwest Chief

  2. Are you referring to passenger trains prior to Amtrak?  If so I would have to say that it would be a toss up between the Milwaukee Road's Olympian Hiawatha and Santa Fe's Super Chief (which is Amtrak's Southwest Chief today).  Those two trains offered some exotic interior designs and exquisite onboard services that are still fondly remembered today.

  3. For regular service: the high speed of spain ( where you can visit the interior)

    For night service:, a joined company RENFE/SNCF covering routes Madrid-Paris and Barcelona-Pars, Barcelona-Zurich and Barcelona-Milan

    For turistic service: El Cantabrico ( the Blue Train of South Africa, the Eastern and Oriental between Singapore and Bangkok

  4. For my money it's the British Railways Mark 1 corridor coach. Introduced in 1951, there were several versions, some with compartments and a side corridor, and others with an open-plan design. Comfy seats and big picture windows with moveable vents at the top.

    Altogether better than the apology for accommodation that the train companies offer today. However Mk1 coaches were designed for a top speed of 100mph; today's trains go faster.

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