
What path should i take ??????

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I'm in ninja training and i have been training for 11 years and I'm 16 i can do any kick and flip that u can think of i was wanting to know the real answer what is the real meaning of a ninja and y are we here and y are we training so much what dues a ninja do in life and y do people hate them




  1. i dont hate them...

  2. They used to personally guard the Japanese Emporers (for thousands of years) Just like the European Monarchy They only let the best around them, so I think they are more feared rather than hated?

    God Bless You

  3. You are not a Ninja, you are Jeff. You have been training all you live to become a martial arts expert. I wont fight you, because you´ll get the s...t out of me. So if you don´t follow YOUR LIFE path you will end lost somewhere. Don´t know if i am explaining myself: what i am trying to say is the path that you have to follow is a BETTER YOU not a better ninja.

  4. We hate ninjas, cause my clan has trained in the art of the samurai since birth. Our swords shine unto the cowardly ninja before they're struck down.

    The meaning of your existence is to crawl in the darkness and attack people with out honor. You're existence is limited to the wrath of our mighty samurai clan.

  5. The real meaning of ninja is to use your skills for good. They used their skills to take down enemies and get inside of enemy lines. People don't like ninjas because they are sneaky and dangerous.  

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