
What peircing do you think would suit me?

by  |  earlier

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i really want a peircing, but i have no idea which one. some of my friends have said monroe, but i'm not sure cause there are so many veins and things up there... and it must be kind uncomfy?

i was thinking eyebrow. but not sure, haha. any ideas?




  1. The great thing about piercings is that if you decide your don't like them you can simply removed them and let them heal and its not a big deal most leave none or very minimal scars so its not like a tattoo you can change your mind. I personally think your face shape would be suited to any kind of piercing you would like.

    Monroes, marilyns, labret and lip piercings can be very attractive but will rub against your gums and require more care than other piercings as you will have to your mouth very clean during the healing process (brushing teeth after every meal, using lots of mouthwash etc.). If you bite your bottom lip a lip piercing will be somewhat bothersome at first and take longer to heal. If you sing such as chorus any of the above mentioned piercings will be uncomfortable while they are swollen and healing. Personally I have a vertical labret which eliminated the gum rubbing problem.

    Nose piercings are great first facial piercings, the stud in the side of the nose is very discreet, with minimal pain and looks good on everyone. Septum piercings (middle of the nose, "bullring") are also fun piercings and can be hidden during the healing process (when you are not allowed to remove it) by flipping the prongs up inside your nostrils. This is very nice if you have a job you can't have piercings at but still need time to let it heal before removing it.

    Eyebrow piercings like nose studs are also not very painful and can be very cute. However if you get your hairs waxed or tweezed it might become a problem also Eyebrow piercing are notorious for leaving "bald" spots in the eyebrow where they rested because they rub the hair out and it does not grow back.

    If your looking for a less "traditional" piercing you can get facial surface piercings such as an "anti-eyebrow" these piercings can be placed *almost* anywhere and are less common however I've heard they have a higher rejection rate.

    *Rejection is when your body rejects the piercing and literally pushes it out of your skin.

    You should just really look at pictures and just find one you like...its all about personal preference. Here is a great place to look at different kinds of piercings

  2. You have pretty lips, you should get a lip piercing in the center.  I think it would bring more attention to them.  It doesn't have to be a huge loop if you don't like that.  Just a little stud.  I think the eyebrow would look good on you as well.  I had both of those piercings and loved them both ;)

  3. Wow! Your absolutely gorgeous. I love your hair. I'm getting mine done like that when it grows out a little more. Anyways,  I think you should just get your ear's pierced. I think it'd look fantastic on you

  4. i think that a nose piercing would look good, but you might want something else (bigger, more noticeable, maybe??)...idk

    btw, you look really nice in your pic!

    good luck!! hope that you find a cool piercing.

  5. No not eyebrow.

    I really think a monroe would suit you very well.

    They really are not bad, I have mine done and I can't even feel mine.

    It really does not touch or rub on the inside of your mouth enough to irritate you.  It will be a bit uncomfortable for the first week or so but after that you hardly know it is there.

    But if you really don't want that or are that worried about it, I say try anti-eyebrow, septum, or just something in your ears.

  6. I think you are gorgeous... I don't think you should get a piercing... although, thats me... I dont really like piercings on girls... except for normal ears, etc.

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