
What pellet gun/ammo is good for hunting crow and dove? ?

by  |  earlier

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is a crosman QUEST 800X with .22 BEEMAN crow-magnum pellets good for shooting crows and dove? or what other gun/ammo (preferably in the same price range) is just as good/better?

thank you




  1. both seem like they would work for both, however if you are shooting birds that are flying, i would suggest a shotgun about a 20 gauge should work good.

  2. Be very careful when attempting to shoot either of these birds.  They both come under state and federal rules and regulations which may very well forbid shooting either of them with ANY gun let alone an under-powered air rifle.  Some states where they are legally taken have set seasons for doing so.  Quite often, they also have limitations pertaining to the types of firearms which may be used in their pursuit, in addition to legal shooting hours, bag limits, etc.  You may be letting yourself into some serious legal troubles if you ignore the law and use a pellet/B-B gun to shoot crows or doves.  Good luck.

  3. That is perfectly fine ammo, although remember that a pellet gun won't go as far or have a lot of power and is also affected by the wind easily so make sure you are close. Also be aware of what the other two people said above me even though they didn't answer your question they have a good point. Crows I understand, but why kill a dove? You know if one dove dies the mate will die soon after of a broken heart and depression.

  4. i don't know

    but maybe i wouldn't because of laws

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