
What penalties for speeding?

by  |  earlier

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i think i may have been caught doing 50mph in a 30 zone, it was a momentary lack of concerntration and will be my first offence. i have only had my liscence 15 months, what penelties am i likely to get?




  1. probably just a fine. you were doing 20 over my guess 75 to 100 bucks and you first moving violation.

  2. Over in the middle east probably death, but here in the states a fine and maybe a point, no biggie

  3. you can choose to pay the fine or take a defensive driving class. that way it doesn't show as an offense and you won't have a point added to your license. If you have 4 points on your license you have to pay $100 a year extra for the privilege of driving with a license.

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