
What penalty would i be likley to recieve for drivng without insurence in the usa, washington state?

by Guest60374  |  earlier

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I am traveling to the usa, and my friend own's a truck over there, if i were to drive it without insurence what would be likley to happen, as i am a british citizen would it be likley that i would be deported? Or the car be towed, because i dont want to risk loosing him his truck. I have a full U.K drivers licence which i know will be valid to drive on for 1 year. It's in a rural area and i would only be travling less than a mile to the store, passing very little trafic




  1. As long as your friend has a standard carrier, anyone he gives permisson to drive truck is covered.

  2. If he has insurance then you would be covered.

    If he doesn't have insurance, help him pay for some, for a 6 month or one year policy, making only the first payment (unless you're staying longer than a month). When you leave cancel it.

    If you were to try to buy ins in your name, you'd have to show residence and get a local license and put the truck in your name. You can usually drive someone else's car and be covered by their policy.

    They will not deport a British citizen (or anyone) just for driving without insurance.

    'Just' might be an important word. Say you hit a school bus and it catches fire with 80 small children on board and they think you're associated with some terrorist organization...

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