
What percent black is G. K. Butterfield (the democratic congressman)?

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Here is a picture of G. K. Butterfield (I doubt anyone would think he was black just by looking at him):




  1. Lets see, the average white American is about 3% African...

    Are you serious? LOL. Probably got one great granny who's black.

  2. Well, since you've put this in the anthropology forum, I'll give you the anthropological answer, between 0 and 100%. Sorry, no way to tell. Race is a cultural construct. The most telling illustration I can give is if you could line up everyone in the world from lightest to darkest, where would you draw the line between, black and white. It would be such a gradual change that you would be making a purely arbitrary distinction between two people who look almost identical. Also, not everyone would place that divide between the same people that you would. So, sorry. It's completely arbitrary.

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