
What percent do you tip in each of these restaurant situations?

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I'm finding it hard to tell how much, if at all, to tip in some restaurant configurations. For a traditional restaurant where a waitress takes your order and brings the food, I go for 20-25%. These other situations I'm not so sure about - how much should you tip?

You order at a counter, but they bring you all the food to your table:

You call in an order to a restaurant, but they bring it out to your car:

You go to a buffet, but a waitress brings you a drink:

Your order and pick up your food at a counter, but there is a tip jar there:

Explain your decisions if you can, maybe a rule-of-thumb you use.

Thanks in advance for your replies.




  1. Very wordy question.  20 percent is my standard tip for good or bad service.  I dont go to restaurants to rate the server, I go to eat.  I prefer them to just take my order and leave the conversation out.  I dont flirt with hot girls that are servers and I dont complain about them when they are not doing a good job.  I still tip 20 percent and if it was a bad experience, I dont go back.  Buffets dont normally lend themselves to this 20 percent rule....but if a person is cleaning up after you and filling drinks for you then 2 dollars is the standard.  I tip 1 dollar per drink to bartenders and alcohol servers (night clubbing).  Tipping is part of the dining experience and if your one of those people that never tips....then guess what?  Someone is probably spitting in your food the second time you go back!  Peace Be With You!

  2. only tip if they wait on you (well) or deliver

  3. I would tip $1 - $3 in all of the situations you mentioned. More if my order was complicated or someone really went out of their way.

  4. 1. 15-20%

    2. if not included in price, none

    3. 2-5 dollars, more if exceptionally helpful/friendly

    4. nothing, ever

    ***rule of thumb: If it is a legitimate waitress, their job will be to serve you. If they are serving you, then they are required to receive waitress salary, plus tips....which typically amounts to 2.75 per hour plus tips. In this scenario, I tip...b/c their livelihood is dependent upon tips. When it is a order taker or someone who boxes food for delivery, they are not considered a waitress, and must be paid minimum wage...5.75....In this scenario, I do not generally they are not to expect tips as a part of their income and they have a standard salary without tips.....not a great salary, mind you, but, unlike waitresses, in 2 years, they could be making 7.00 or more...while the waitress will generally still be under the 3.00 mark for actual salary.

  5. I say, round up as they do in Europe in these situations.

    If the bill is 27.50, round up to 30. If it is 15.75, round up to 17. This is my rule if they are bringing food or beverages/refills to the table and are going to be cleaning it up too. They have to show some knack for good service too, or they get bupkis.

    Tip jar tipping is optional to me. Usually places that have them have bitter looking hipsters running the show. I stiff them if they have an attitude or "entitlement mentality". These folks aren't making food service minimum, they are probably making $7/hr at least. Tip if they deserve it AND your budget regularly allows for it.

    As far as bringing it out to your car, maybe round it up there too. They hopefully got you some bread and napkins and flatware and your food is all there and hot (or cool if it's a salad.)

  6. 1. Only tip them if they check on you through out the course of your meal, and they bring you your drink and refills.

    2. Just a dollar or two depending on your order. (I never tip at Sonic anymore. I always thought they had a server's wage, but they get minimum wage.)

    3. In high school I worked at Pizza Hut during the summers and people would always get the buffet and never tip. Which left me making $2.35 an hour. A reasonable tip is about a dollar per person.

    4. Don't ever tip. That's tacky, and the workers are already making atleast minimum wage.

  7. 20-25% More or less depending on service.

    Very little. No set percentage range, a couple dollars at most.

    No more than 10%

    Maybe a dollar or two, if I have something to spare. Perhaps any coins I get in my change.

  8. In the standard, take my order, bring me my food, I tip 20%, 25% if it's exceptional.

    Order at Counter: 15%.

    Bring Out to Car: 10%, because the waiters themselves don't really do anything. 15% if I know the tips go into a pot and they split it evenly.

    Buffet: 15%, because they clear tables and are usually immediately available if you need something.

    Tip Jar: Depending on how much I like the place, between nothing and usually $2-$5.

    You're welcome, in advance. =)

  9. i never  give tips....why do u?


  10. 20% all of the above

  11. 20-25% but only if actual table service. other wise nothing

  12. order at the counter...they bring the food.  i usually don't tip at these restaurants (typically fast food restaurants in which you clean your own table)

    call in order, bring to car...5-10% , depending on the weather.  

    buffets.  $1 per person.  standard tip for buffets

    tip jar at the counter..i usually just throw my coin change in it (plus a dollar if the change is minimal).

    at traditional restaurants, i generally tip 20% (more or less depending on service).

  13. 1. No tip unless it is very high class... but that sounds like Qdoba- no tip.

    2. 15%

    3. 2 dollars... or 20%

    4.whew- that depends on the place.  If I go into a chinese restaurant I usually use my debt card and tip a buck, but if I payed in cash, i probably wouldn't tip....

    The best thing to do is be aware of the other customers in front of you and if they are tipping, and look like regulars, then a tip is probably in order, but if it doesn't look like people are tipping, then it is completely up to you!  Interesting question.

  14. 25% and to people who say why do you tip your crazy

  15. If theres a server that just drops off drinks, or brings order to your car 10%, a tip jar depends on what they did for you. I always leave a dollar or two. As for Fairsky that answered before me, well thats trashy. Who never tips? I hope that girl never goes out to eat at the same place twice.... I saw the movie Waiting. haha

  16. I tip when you are actually served in any way (not including the cooking of the food and shoving it across a counter) depending on how good the service is i give a 15-25% and in rare cases if the service is horrible and they dont deserve a tip i tip 5% so they dont think i forgot but i get the point across that they did a lousy job.

  17. You order at a counter, but they bring you all the food to your table:  Fast food places like Burger King or Dairy Queen?  Zero.

    You call in an order to a restaurant, but they bring it out to your car:  

    No experience with this.

    You go to a buffet, but a waitress brings you a drink:

    Like a Chinese buffet?  About a buck a person, rounded up to the next dollar.

    Your order and pick up your food at a counter, but there is a tip jar there:

    Loose change, plus a buck if the change is minimal.

    Ordinary restaurants:  15-25% depending on the service, rounded up to the next dollar.

    Explain your decisions if you can, maybe a rule-of-thumb you use.

    Just my habit, I guess, but I do like to reward really good service with a better tip.

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