
What percent of people in the world are awake past 1:00am on an average weeknight?

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What percent of people in the world are awake past 1:00am on an average weeknight?




  1. 26%

  2. it depends on the age group, because new borns cry at night, causing parents to get up. Also there are college parties. jr. high and high schoolers are awake finishing projectss. And some just up to just be up. sooo to conclude i have no idea!!!

  3. I dont know the percentage but I do stay up usually until 3am and I have two children to get up with in the morning :) I like to have my alone time after the kids and husband are in bed!

  4. 19.7%

  5. me!!!!!!

  6. 10%

  7. 17% of babies.

    28% of teenagers

    39% of adults

    19% of pentioners

    1% of Hamsters

    41% of dogs

    43% of cats

  8. I would say like 3 Billion or more 50%

  9. you woke me up to ask that

  10. no clue

  11. idk but i do no im one of those ppl i just cant sleep!!!!!!!!

  12. 50% in my house

  13. where i live, about 99.9% :D

  14. 75 percent

  15. stats say about 98% of all china men because there so busy working way to hard, and since there so overpopulated, thats about 96% of the worlds population

  16. Thsi is sad but over 67,000,000 people stay awake past one a clock am

  17. It would be better if you describe better but if I understand correct then I think it is 30%

  18. 5

  19. It is impossibe to keep track because there bed pattern might change very frequently.


  20. Seeing as it's always 1.00am somewhere and most adults sleep for 7 hours a night, I'd guess the % is pretty high...

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