
What percentage are you supposed to tip delivery drivers?

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Does the 15-20% rule stand? Or do they need more?




  1. I always tip drivers, usually about 15%.  Bruce brings up a good point that they get paid more than servers, but they also have to use their own vehicle (and gas) for the delivery.  I'll tip a little bit more if they come super fast.

  2. I used to be a casual delivery driver for a pizza shop a few years ago - I was only paid $4 per delivery (which also had to cover fuel) - so ANY amount I was tipped, I appreciated.

    Commonly, it was just the change - say if someone had a $19.50 order, they'd give me a $20 and tell me to keep the change. I was never aware of any custom to tip drivers (at least here in Australia).

    However - difficult deliveries (eg late night, excessively large, difficult to access places like strange apartments, or well out of town), I was often tipped for the extra effort - particularly for distance deliveries...that was especially appreciated as I didn't get paid more for that.

    People seemed to be more inclined to tip on weekends and public holidays too.

    I think it's more personal preference and convenience (eg keep the change).  

  3. it all depends on the customer,tips are appreciated since the delivery drivers dont make anything but minimum wage. they are also waiter on wheels who have to use their own personal vehicles and put their own gas into them and any repairs. often enough the companies charge a delivery fee,most companies that does not go to the driver.  

  4. It is not the custom to tip delivery drivers.

  5. The last I heard it was customary to give a delivery driver a dollar per pizza delivered.  But I was recently told that drivers now expect two dollars per pizza, especially if it is for more than just one or two pizzas.

  6. Consider the delivery driver the extension of the wait staff.

    If they were prompt, courteous, and met your needs, then tip them the average you would a server if you were sitting down in their store.

    Consider right now, my husband does some delivery driving part time, and he drives 20 miles round trip on some deliveries, and only gets the $2.00 delivery charge by the store, and that isn't even a gallon of the gasoline used to take the pizza to the customer.

    If you're speaking of pizza drivers, then the statement they get paid more than the servers hourly is a mis-speak.

    I have worked at 4 different pizza places, and the servers and cooks always get paid more, and delivery drivers never get more than minimum wage because "the tips should cover it".

    But now, because of gas prices, customers are being forced to consider the $5.00 to the driver, or keep for their gas money, and many drivers are now getting NOTHING and living on the store charge only, and it's making it to where they are just minimum wage employees.  

    It's not right, and if you feel you'd like to pay more if they give you the service expected, then they will appreciate you for it.

  7. Usually not more, unless they give outstanding service, or if you live out of area.

    I was a driver, and was very thankful to get 10-15%.  Don't forget that they also get a higher hourly rate than a server at a restaurant.  

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