
What percentage do you tip at a Chinese buffet?

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Normally I tip 20% in a restaurant with full wait service. However, I was wondering what is the customary tip for a Chinese buffet where the waiters only bring your drink (and refill it) and clear away the plates? Would it be less than 20% since you basically serve yourself?




  1. I usually tip 10% or $1.00/person whichever is greater.

  2. It depends on how often did they clean my table and refill my drink! If well then 1.00 per person or 10%.

  3. I tip 10% usually.

  4. I would only leave 5 dollars thas cool for serving drinks

  5. you should still tip the same. they still come to see if you need anything. if you worked there as a waitress or waiter, wouldnt you want the same good tip?

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