
What percentage of Americans believe in Creationism? What percentage believes in Evolutionism?

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What percentage of Americans believe in Creationism? What percentage believes in Evolutionism?




  1. I think it would be difficult to come up with an exact percentage. Times are changing, and with the advancements made by science, I tend to think that more people now believe in evolution rather than Creationism.  However, 100 years ago (and beyond), people leaned more toward Creationism.   And there are some who believe in elements of both theories...for example, I believe in evolution, but I also believe that "something" preceded the "big bang"-  where did the gases come from?  No one seems to be able to answer this question.  So, could it be possible that a "Divine" power created the gases that exploded that created the universe in which we live?  And, there are many people who are "undecided" as to one theory or the other.

  2. What you're really asking, is how many Americans majored in one of the Sciences vs how many study Folklore & Mythology...

    Belief is not the issue here. Bona Fide evidence about what you know, and can prove, is...

  3. One poll (2004) by CBS has has 55% believing god created man and 27% believing in evolution.

    Interestingly there was a poll that did a follow up some years later. This poll (1991) had 47% for creationism (God created man 10,000 years ago) and 40% for evolution.(man evolved God guided the process).  However an addition 9% also believed in evolution (man evolved God wasn't involved) End numbers 47% to 49%

    A follow up (1997) to the last poll, with the same numbers came out 44% creation 39% evolution with God and 10% pure evolution. End numbers 44% to 49%

    However, among "scientists" the numbers to the same questions were 5% 40% 55% End numbers 5% to 95%.

    A Harris poll (2005) found 64% agreed "human beings were created directly by God," 22% of adults believe "human beings evolved from earlier species,"10% that "human beings are so complex that they required a powerful force or intelligent being to help create them"  End numbers 74% and 22%.

    Enough with the numbers. "Surveys are also fairly consistent in their estimates of how many Americans believe in evolution or creationism. Approximately 40%-50% of the public accepts a biblical creationist account of the origins of life, while comparable numbers accept the idea that humans evolved over time. The wording of survey questions generally makes little systematic difference in this division of opinion."

    Here's the problem The issue isn't an "either or" one. It's not a political campaign where negative attack ads will cause voters to switch sides. Every culture, tribe and people  have creation narratives. If people believe in creationism, which theory is the "right" one?

    Here are the theories

    "Young Earth" Created by supernatural means 6-10,000 years ago

    "Old Earth" Earth is millions, not thousands of years old. This theory has several versions:

        "Gap" Earth is old but had fallen into decay. Life was begun on the old planet. This does address fossil evidence.

        "Progressive" God allows certain things natural selection and mutations to occur but will directly intervene as required.

        "Framework Interpretation" holds the Genesis account isn't literal but more represents the outline of how life came to be.

        "Day Age" Here it's held that "Day" can be thousands of millions of years. The world was crated in 6 "days" but it was over a very long time.

    "Theistic" AKA  "evolutionary creationism", creation is compatible with  scientific theory (evolution) as it is a tool used by God,

    " Literal" God created everything in 6 days right before 23 October  4004 BC. Everything in Genesis is correct and true.

    Ideally, a poll on the topic you have the follow up question: "As you belive in creationism, which theory is the correct one?"

  4. 55% of Americans believe humans were created in their present form by God & 67% of those that voted for Bush believe this:

    This says that only 45% of Americans understand evolution... is it any wonder we are in decline. The Creationists have done what Communism could not.

    71% of Bush voters want creationism taught in schools & 37% think evolution should not be taught in schools.  This makes me happy that I retired before rational thought was outlawed.

  5. The polls usually show it to be around half and half.

    And since they brought it up, most Christians I know don't want biblical creationism taught in science classes. What we want is for molecules-to-man evolution to be taught with all its warts (they are not even allowed to present evidence that would put evolution in a poor light).  And we want intelligent design to at least to be presented.  Unlike leprechauns and a flat earth, etc., a significant percentage of the (tax paying) population believes in ID.

    So many people these days are confusing biblical creationism with intelligent design.  "Intelligent Design is the study of patterns in nature that are best explained as the result of intelligence" (Dr. William Dembski). That's it; it says nothing of who the creator is and how he/she/it/they did it. Intelligent Design encompasses every "creation" story, even aliens seeding life on this planet.

    Whatever you may think about George Bush, he was right on this: "Both sides ought to be properly taught . . . so people can understand what the debate is about . . . Part of education is to expose people to different schools of thought . . . You're asking me whether or not people ought to be exposed to different ideas, the answer is yes.”

    Good science teaching should include controversies.  But, whenever you mention this kind of stuff, evolutionists jump from their trees and start behaving as if someone had stolen their bananas.  Apparently, academic freedom is for other subjects.

    As Cal Thomas has said, “Why are believers in one model—evolution—seeking to impose their faith on those who hold that there is scientific evidence which supports the other model?  It’s because they fear they will lose their influence and academic power base after a free and open debate.  They are like political dictators who oppose democracy, fearing it will rob them of power.”

  6. Don't know.  Sorry.

    But it's not an 'either/or' situation.  Both theories are flawed.

    Jesus is Lord, and God is real.  Evolutionism, the way it's taught, is surely inaccurate.  Also, I do believe that the origin of man is a little more complicated than making a doll out of dirt, then bringing it to life.  God could certainly do that if he chose, but it's doubtful that he did.  Brings visions of Pinnochio to mind.  (Yes, I know it was wood, and not dirt.)

  7. I think the polls are misleading since the creationists cannot be credited with making an informed decision. You know , since they are creationists.

  8. You have good answers I just want to disagree with icabod on the definition of theory.

    Neither "New Earth", "Old Earth", "Intelligent" Design or any other name for "Creationism" are actual theories. The postulations do not qualify as "theory"!

    A theory has requirements (you can look these up), must be presented for peer review and must make predictions based upon the basic observation.\

    Evolution is sound theory. Religious pronouncements are not now...theory...nor will they ever be...theory!

    The phrase..."my theory is that the Dallas Cowboys is the bestest football team ever" is also not a theory.

    Theory is NOT synonymous with opinion; they have very different meanings.

    Therefore, "believing" in evolution is not required.

    One is either educated sufficiently to understand evolution or is destined to believe whatever line of poppycock blows their dress up!

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