
What percentage of Americans think 9/11 was a false flag attack?

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Can anyone point me towards any recent, reliable and non biased polls?




  1. The only people who are going to conduct this kind of poll will be the conspiracy theorists.

    As a result you cannot trust the results.  (Notice how the conspiracy theorists count on your not verifying sources and facts for yourself?)

    The issue here is that the 9/11 conspiracy theorists are 'true believers.'  This means that they will discard any information that contradicts their theory and unquestioningly accept anything that supports it.

  2. I don't need a poll I know what I saw. Bush is/was the only guy who had enough pull to pull this off. Rest is just BS.

  3. Let’s start from here!

    Scientific Poll: 84% Reject Official 9/11 Story

  4. I do not know what you mean by a "false flag attack".

  5. Watch 9/11 Revisited if you can find it on the web.  9/11 was an inside job.  Only idiots think that 19 arabs could have pulled off the destruction of 9/11 by themselves.  These same people think that JFK was assassinated by one guy who fired one bullet!  The American people are a bunch of block headed morons!

  6. Its obvious Bush paid the Saudis to do it!

  7. I don't know the polls.  I've heard different ones.  But anyways, I believe it WAS a False Flag Operation.  And I could care less what they call me.  I will never apologize for using logic instead of having unquestioning faith in a bunch of corrupt elites.

  8. Rosie O'Donnell thinks it was an inside job. Ha! Ha!

  9. Before I answer, please tell me what number will convince you that the poll is unbiased.  Very few Americans believe this was a false flag attack, because it wasn't.

    For example, the previous poster lists something as a "scientific poll".  That does not mean that the poll is reliable and non biased.  Calling a duck a Sherman tank doesn't make it any less a duck.

  10. Here are a couple of links to polls conducted in 2006.  I couldn't find anything more recent.  The pollsters are well-known and should be considered relatively unbiased.  However, as charged by some of your responders, you have to go to truther sites to link to them.

  11. AT least 50 percent. Several people saw a rocket hit the pentacon. They covered the hole because it was not the size a jet would make.

  12. It was an inside job. Some of the Arabs that supposedly hijacked the planes  and crashed them were later found to still be alive.

    The collapse of building 7 is shrouded in mystery.

  13. Was it used like a false flag attack?  Yes.  Does it matter then if it was one?  End result, same thing.

    Who needs a poll?  All polls are biased.

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