
What percentage of Egypt is black, what percentage of Egypt is white and what percentage is a mixed colour?

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I am planning on writing a story that takes place in Egypt and I want to know the basic details, like skin colour. I understand that there are mixed colours as well, as there are in every community. If anyone can help me, please let me know...




  1. i think the Greek Barbie gave as good answer

  2. black people are the original co owners of the ancient lands of Khem/Egypt but it was taken by Arabians in the Crusades war and now many black Egyptians who used to follow Aten or Akhenatons teachings are becoming Muslims!

  3. Concerning the Egyptians,fron the beginnning to the end ,they were all black,but when some invaders came like lybians,syrians and so on,mixing begins.

  4. Most Egyptians have mediterranian olive coloured skin of different shades (called in arabic "khamri"). There are people with completely white skin (retaining that shade is connected to amount of exposure to the strong sunshine- this skin colour is referred to as "abyad") and darker shades of olive skin usually in people of the south of Egypt reaching very dark shades in nubians(what you would call black) a colour referred to in Egypt as "asmar" . There is no black/white distinction in Egypt simply because most people are somewhere in between and you can find every single skin, eye, hair colour combination. Historically this goes back to African, Arab, Turkish, French, Wester Europian, British.. etc. influences as well as the posiiton of Egypt at the meeting point of three continents.

  5. here we dont differentiate between white ppl and black ppl

  6. The Government Doesn't Differentiate Between Black And White And Mixed colors so there isn't an accurate Percentage

  7. First of all there are no black people in Egypt. Most Egyptians have tanned/brown skin, they are not black.

    Here is the world skin color map, in which it depicts Egyptians as being brown skinned.

  8. It seems to me that Americans are the only ones that actually classify individuals in terms of race

  9. in Egypt there is No white or black, the majority are brunettes..

    and in the south of Egypt they are Nubians, u may call them black, but they are a small percentage..

  10. Let me give you a non accurate percentage , but its too close.

    White: 3-8%

    Light Brown: 55%

    Dark brown: 35%

    Black (nubians): 5%

  11. The ethnic heritage of the modern Egyptian population cannot just be defined as black and white with a few shades in between.

    A high percentage of the Egyptian population has at least a partial Arabic heritage.

    But even by tradition the people who are defined as being Arabic can have very dark skinned and black/brown hair,or have blonde/red hair and blue eyes.

    Many genetic pools have come together to make up the population of Egypt and it has always been this way.

    Even in dynastic Egypt the population was made up from many different ethnic backgrounds ,some came from Europe some from the African subcontinent and others came from the Eastern countries.

    The ancient pharoahs themselves were often born from marriages of mixed race parents.Egypt was the forst truly multiculiural civilization and in the intervening 2000 years nothing has changed.

    Egypt is still the great cultural melting pot,in fact it is the ethnic diversity and cutural heritage of its population that

    makes Egypt and her people so unique.

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