
What percentage of Gasoline would be saved nationally if all vehicles were electronically governed at 55 mph.?

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We build cars capable of going 120+mph. Most state speed limits are no higher then 65 mph. WHY? If this Government wants to reduce are dependency on foreign oil. Limit the speeds to 55 mph on all vehicles. It's simple and inexpensive, it will save lives, reduce auto insurance, and improve the environment. When the autos are delivered to the dealer before he delivers them to the customer the service department will plug in a handheld computer to a tamper proof connector. The mechanic inputs a code and sets the speed to that states limit. I have driven vehicles 10 years ago that have this system installed on them. I am presently driving vehicles that have the same system.




  1. According the the link I've provided, if you stick to the speed limit, your fuel economy benefit would be between 7 and 23 percent.  By setting a national 55 MPH speed limit, as we did back in the 70's, it would save fuel but it wouldn't be simple and inexpensive.

    I have no idea how much a highway speed limit sign costs but you would have to replace them, or reface them, on every highway in the US.  And nothing is simple when the government is involved.

    It's good to think about ways to save fuel, the environment, and our dependency on foreign oil but it must start with the individual and not depend on government intervention.

    In response to additional details:

    So, in your Utopia, the only government intervention would be to electronically govern all new cars, domestics and imports, to 55 MPH?  Yes, national gas consumption would go down, but only after most of the old non-governed cars were retired from the road.

    Again, nothing the government does is simple and inexpensive.  Government policy is the reason we're so dependent on foreign oil.

  2. First off, there are a number of states with 75 mph speed limits, over half of the states have 70 mph and the national average for speed limits is between 65-70. Secondly, that scenario will never happen because vehicles made between 1880 and 1990 had little of no electronics on them at all.  If it were to be feasible, it would mean a large savings on fuel, but at what cost? There would be a period of time that the grocery shelves would be bare, since the grocers only order "just in time" stocks. That is only one area that would have to adjust for the different time it takes for goods to reach the market. In case you are game, try going from coast to coast at 55 mph.  You will think you are in a covered wagon with a team of horses pulling you before you finish your trip because it will take so long. And there are spots that you will not even get from one town to the next in a day at that speed.

  3. your so childish for thinking everybody follows speed limit.

  4. Not even Orwell nor the Robocop Movies could have dreamed this up.  There will be 2 classes of people - those who can drive over 55 and those who can't.

    Those who drive over 55 will drive cars that get 10 gallons per mile.  Those who drive under 55 will not even have a car to go to work.

  5. we wouldnt save that much gas at all. you waste more gas in city driving and stop-and-go traffic then you do on the highway cruising at 55mph+.

    Also, if our cars were governed at 55mph that means we'd be in the highest gear and at the redline at 55mph and that would roast our engine and burn more gas then ever.

  6. They tried setting speed limits to 55 years ago.  It died because people like to drive fast.  There wouldnt be any point it buying a sports car if it could only go as fast as everyone else.  Politicians like to drive sports cars.  There's your answer.

  7. It's a legitimate question and a great idea. A lot of gasoline would be saved,  even at 65mph, but the oil companies don't want that, and the auto manufacturers don't want that, do they? Even if it could be done, the average American wouldn't go for it because as a whole we're a nation of wasteful consumers and blatant scoff-laws.  Many freeway speed limits are 75 mph, but no, that's not fast enough for a lot of people (idiots). Anywhere you drive, even in 25mph zones, at least half the other drivers are going 20+ mph above the speed limit, and they're usually driving a SUV.  

    A bit off the subject, but in response to one person above, when I get to be King, I'll declare open season on all you worthless bast**** who drive too fast. Then again, I won't have to. Sooner or later you'll have a blow-out at 85mph followed by a rollover and you'll be history. Score one for the road!

  8. The federal government tried this several years ago, and people just didn't obey.  It would probably save a good chunk of gas if it were enforced.

  9. I'm sure gas would be saved to a point but not as much since the car would be going and running 4000 rpms or faster and they would burn more gas.  I mean you have a good idea but if all cars were governed to 55 mph everyone would drive the same speed then you would have on idiot doing 35 mph when everyone else is doing 55 mph.  If they did that I would even reprogram the computer myself or have my buddy do it and then I'll be going 70 mph on a 70 mph freeway while every other car is stuck doing 55 mph all the other drivers will be trying to figure out how I'm able to go faster.  You would also think decreasing cars top speeds through a computer would save gas but it would increase accidents the reason i say this is if everyone has their foot to the floor doing 55 mph and you try to get over and push your way in your going to end up getting wrecked since you wouldn't be able to go faster and merge.  Half of the idiots on the road would not even let you over just to s***w with you. one more than on occasin we've all had to push our cars up to the redline almost to be able to merge on the freeway can you imagine when you jam on that pedal the engine speeds up but the car won't increase its speed then the other cars won't slow down it would be so dangerous.  Like even though our cars can do 120 mph if not faster most of us won't go anywhere near 90 mph.  I mean my truck says 100 mph but I've never gone over 85 mph and that was when I had 10 minutes to make it 6 miles to work .  At times we need the extra speed to be able to get us to our destinations on time.   Thank you for the good idea though have a nice day and a good new year.

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