
What percentage of Supreme Court trials are represented by public defenders?

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And how much does the average appeal cost?




  1. I am afraid you don't understand how the Supreme Court works. It is not a "trial." Cases are heard. Each side presenting may be given a limited time to present oral arguments (written briefs had been submitted prior to the beginning of the session, and the Court agrees to hear a relatively small percentage of cases), and the justices may ask questions. The justices will return to chambers, and render a ruling. There is more to it, but that is a brief overview....

  2. The appeal is a hearing in terms of court semantics. It would cost a person a great deal of money. An attorney could do it pro bono (without pay) but in terms of a public defender going before the Court it is possible, but not very likely. You have to be accepted into a special class of attorneys to argues a case before the highest court in the land. Most attorneys, working as a PD, would not fit the bill. They could, I suppose, if they were semi-retired working out of a PD office.

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