I am seeing more and more children out an about in public on weekdays during what should be school hours and with whom I assume to be a parent. On a recent visit to the optometrist, a women came in with 3 children - a boy about 10, a girl about 7 and another girl about 5. Now this was on a Monday afternoon about 1 PM. I could see if one had to go to the clinic, but why bring all of them? I couldn't help asking her why the kids weren't in school. The woman replied very snobbishly, "They are HOME schooled!" Now why would a parent want to home school their kids when it can be done for them and they can have the kids out from underfoot for 6 blissful hours a day? They are paying school taxes anyway. Is home-schooling more prevalent now than 40 years ago? Back then I had never heard of this option.