
What percentage of feminism is about...?

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...equality, and what percentage is about revenge?




  1. I think it'll be different for each feminist.

  2. Feminism is about neither equality nor revenge. It's about female supremacy.

  3. 100% about equality, presuming it's done properly. I hate these self-proclaimed feminists who search for revenge and remain all bitter...better not to be in feminism at all if that is the way you feel. Feminism is about more than just women; it's about noticing social issues in general (racism, classism, sexism, homophobia, environment) and doing something about them.

  4. Feminists claim (and a few of them probably even believe it) that their cult is about 'equality' and not about 'man-hate'.

    But the reality is that the cult is 100% about hypocrisy.

    As equalists we have much more work to do to enlighten people.


    A message to report monkeys: Yahoo has re-instated my wrongly-deleted questions and assured me that "the people who reported your questions will have less influence when reporting in the future." You have blotted your copybooks so be warned.

  5. Depends on the feminist :P

  6. A bit of equality mostly about revenge, and that revenge also goes towards women who do not adhere to the movement, of course we all know that. To be fair let's throw in the bit about they believe we don't understand what's about; thing is we do; however, they refuse to see that.

  7. I think your knowledge of feminism is somewhat skewed.

  8. 20% equality, 80% revenge

  9. 3% equality, 97% revenge, on average.

  10. It has to be about revenge.  Online I see a lot of female authors talk about empowering their daughters.  I haven't seen one talk about their sons besides "teaching them how to behave around women."

    Weird things happen when you upset MotherNature and we still have yet to see the worst that extreme feminism has brought us.

  11. Feminism is about equality. The goals of individual feminists may vary, but the vast majority of those I've met are about equality, too.

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