
What percentage of food consumed by Americans is genetically engineered?

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What percentage of food consumed by Americans is genetically engineered?




  1. shouldnt u b asking, "what percentage of american food is NOT genetically engineered?"

  2. Around 75%. Any processed food that has soy, canola or corn in it has GMO's in it. This includes soy/corn/canola oils, high fructose corn syrup, lethicin, corn starch, etc..

  3. In my opinion all of it. People have doing as much as they could to manipulate the genetics of their crops since the first farmer noticed that certain specimens within the same species grew better than others. The main difference between what farmers have been doing for thousands of years and what the "Genetic Engineers" are doing now is that we have now broken most genetic codes and because of that we are able to do a much more efficient job of improving crops than the farmers of the past could.

    And from a religious viewpoint, I also say that 100% of our food is genetically engineered, with the engineer being the One we call God, and I see no prohibition on the attempt to improve crop genetics in His word .

  4. Approximately 76 percent of last year's American soybean crop was GM, as well as 32 percent of corn. (Some estimates place the corn figure closer to 50 percent.) As habitual label readers know, soybean and corn products are ubiquitous on grocery-store shelves, present in everything from Pop-Tarts to veggie burgers to Campbell's tomato soup (which lists "high fructose corn syrup" as a primary ingredient). No government body keeps precise statistics, but a popular guesstimate among university researchers is that around 70 percent of processed foods contain GM ingredients. Considering that about 90 cents of every dollar spent at the supermarket goes toward processed foods, chances are you've been unwittingly consuming GM victuals since the mid-1990s, when they began appearing in stores.

  5. All food produced in the world is genetically modified to some degree. Pure strains may still be found in the wild but cultivated crops have all been genitically modified. That is why just forty years ago a farmer was doing well to get 85 - 100 bushel per acre and now 125 - 150 is the norm. Contrary to what the organic folk may claim, all of their organically grown crops have been genetically modified. It happens in the field just as readily as it happens in the lab.

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