
What percentage of humans are attractive?

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I remember hearing something about this on Seinfeld, but it sparked my interest to whether or not there is an actual percentage.




  1. I myself believe that we are the ugliest creatures on the face of the earth. however! I also believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  2. bsword, there are some freaking disasters walking around, it's not subjective, there are well defined standards of beauty, i'd say like 75% of people are wolfman

  3. depending on the perception, 100% could be considered attractive at least to at least one other person. So your answer will depend from who's perspective you are approaching this situation.

  4. I would imagine that any given person would only be attracted to 20% of the opposite s*x.

  5. About 10%...

  6. IMO..about 75%. But beauty is subjective, so who really knows...

  7. 10% I'll say

  8. With alcohol: 110%

    Without alcohol: 10%

  9. Truth be told,  100% of humans are attractive... EVERYONE is attractive to SOMEONE regardless of what they look like---it all depends on what you BELIEVE is attractive....  looks, personality, attitude all count towards "attractiveness"..  So someone who may be TOTALLY unattractive to YOU might be TOTALLY attractive to someone else....

  10. 100%

    Everyone is attractive in some way, some people just fail to see their beauty.

    Some ppl would also say being attractive is a prespective.

  11. 0% since there are flaws in every human.

    on a none ultimate scale, then it would depend on individual tastes and past influences, which would vary from person to person.

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