
What percentage of kids are involved in extra cirricular activities?

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What percentage of kids are involved in extra cirricular activities?




  1. 83% of children 6 to 17 are in at least one extra curicular activity. that was from 1999.

  2. i dont know but its good to be in sports or something

    they say kids that are involved are less tempted to try drugs,drinking, cigarettes, and s*x.

  3. I have no idea but I think soccer, music and swimming are great activities to start with the younger children. Not all at once but throughout the year. Many of my preschoolers are also taking classes in gymnastics and dance.

  4. 25%

  5. I think all kids need it!

    Add up how much you spend on c**p like fast food when you can just take something from home.... and there is your monthly fee for an extra curricular activity for your child!

    If only parents saw that.

  6. 50%

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