
What percentage of motorcycle bikers at rallies are racist?

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I'm African American. I'm going camping next weekend in Missouri with my boyfriend, who is white, his sister and brother-in-law. There is going to be a biker rally going on at the same time. My boyfriend jokingly said that he might bring his rifle along just in case. I'm positive that he was just kidding, but it's kind of got me thinking. Do I have anything to worry about?




  1. I hope that your BF was joking. In Toronto ,you would have not a thing to worry about Missouri, I don't know. I drove through the states with two girls, and got some looks from the red necks along the way.


    If racism is still an issue in your country, ensure that you are registered to vote. Vote, and make your voice heard.

    Just another reason that I will never live in the U S OF a.

  2. you shouldnt really have any problems.Just stay away from any patcholders. In other words one percenters. Yellow triangle patch with a one percent on it. worn by h***s Angels,Banditos,Outlaws,Pagans,and smaller outlaw clubs.  

  3. No.  Publicly announced bike rallies are a free for all unless posted.  I would stay away from gang-based bikers-look; for their colors or matching vests.

    Never join other unknown bikers groups on the highway because they may have an agenda, but be courteous and acknowledge their presence by waving, peace sign, thumbs up, etc..and let them pass.

    Anyway, I always see well represented ethnicities at rallies, and I have been to many from Washington DC, Penn, VA, South Padre Island, Texas, Arizona, Kansas, etc.

  4. You know my first reaction to your question was going to be "No problem",Bikers aren't necessarily "Racists" and then I did a little "research" by entering the same question "Are Bikers Racist?" into the ( do a little research) bar provided on YA.

    This may be a generalization about "Bikers" but I found this interesting video of McCain Campaigning at the Sturgis Biker Rally a few days ago:

    If this is any indication of what your about to walk into in Missouri...maybe you guys should reconsider.

    If these Bikers represent the lowbrow mentality of "Bikers" you may encounter, I would be prepared for some full force ignorance.

    Because unfortunately ""Prejudice is the child of ignorance."

    I wouldn't say you should not go,I would go with your head held high and your sense of humor well intact because I can almost gaurantee some fool biker is gonna say something.

    Good Luck,


  5. I suppose there are some racist bikers, but the bikers I have met are friendly and open minded.

    If you are stranded on the side of the road, it will be these motorists on two wheels who will stop to help.

    Bikers know that things can happen on the road. When a biker has equipment problems, he is stuck there out on the road. He can't sleep on his bike. He has no shelter from the elements. So he knows he has to rely on the kindness of others. So he will do unto others as he would have others do unto him.

    That attitude will change if you run him off the road, so be kind to our two wheeled friends, and they will be kind to you.

  6. You know, growing up in ny I never gave that stuff a second thought, Im here in MO and went to a bike show about a month ago near st peters mo, and there were alot of people wearing ss and white rules patches. Shame to say, But like anything else, just be smart, most larger bike groups like sturgis, star days, honda hoot ect arent like that, only these smaller lost chapters, and then only a small number of them.

  7. You get some (little) but I've only hear of one or two cases in my years of biking. just ignore them they are just morons that need to get a life (the ones that are will probably not do anything and just ignore you.)

  8. LOL STFU I'm glad I kept reading. i was like WTF!

    Anyways I live in the "durty souf" where confederate flags fly high and the tobacco spittin never stops. Needless to say racism is very alive here. Not so much in the biker community though. It just turns out that most of the stunters are white so we try to stay away from them because they attract police and are dangerous. It has nothing to do with their color or lack thereof.

    The rallies are no more racist than a ball game or carnival. Everybody is there to have a good time. You can google the hosts to see what their agenda or rules are. have a good time and try to not look for any negative energy.

    Something worse than rasicm would be when I spent 2 weeks in Montreal. Americans aren't so popular there.

  9. Just stay away from them if they are wearing colors. If something is going down race will not have anything to do with it.  

  10. i ride with ha, not patched myself, but true... there is a club rule that it's whites only, but there's no hatred or contempt towards minorities (well, i guess the g**s do get a rough time, but blacks don't... it's not your fault you're black)

    don't sweat it, you'll have fun... nobody will have it out for you just because they are bikers, it would be from some other agenda if they do, and you could see that anyplace

  11. Go ahead and enjoy your camping trip, although I would bring along a cell phone as I always.  Everyone there are there for one thing "have fun and enjoy the out door".  I am sure the authorities already know of their appearance and will be around to make sure nobody go out of hands.

    Most of these bikers you are talking about, majority of them are business folks such as lawyers, doctors, ect.  They are they to get away from reality and know what is wrong and rights.  

    Enjoy your camping trip and relax!!!

  12. About the same as the rest of society.

  13. There are probably not going to be any more or less racists than at a football game or at a movie. The only real problem is that rallies like that have a real testosterone/alcohol fueled edge that you don't usually see other places. That's my only take on it. You know though? In that situation, you are probably more likely to be violently and inappropriately defended than you would be violently and inappropriately assaulted. Just use common sense and you should be fine.

    This totally reminds me that it sucks on so many levels that we are even having this conversation. It shouldn't even be an issue at all.

    I hope you have a great weekend.

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