
What percentage of normal humans would murder a child like Hussein Obammy, Born Alive Protection he opposed?

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Voters should be troubled by Obama's abortion stance

We're debating whether some babies born alive have a right to medical attention.

How have we come to this? Can't we all agree that everyone whose heart beats, brain functions and lungs respire at birth should have a chance to live? If we're a compassionate, rational and just society, we would say, "Of course, every infant has a right to lifesaving medical attention.

Such logic is breathtaking. It says that even after birth, a mother's right to rid herself of the baby supersedes any right that a child, now independent of the mother's body and domain, has a right to live. Where America stands on this issue truly is a measure of its sense of justice and compassion. On this score, Obama fails.,0,4780984.story




  1. Well there has always been a problem with Liberal Logic and Morality on that debate, considering they support killing a child, but abolish the idea of a convicted murderer being executed.  

  2. A conservative foaming at the mouth...

  3. Most descent human beings would not do such, but you are talking about a group of people that embrace the deviant side of life.

  4. aren't you late for your Klan meeting,  

  5. aren't you late for your Klan meeting,

    One of the first answers.

    the KKK was a non-religious group idiot.

    They were atheists.

    On the facts, Obama fails and they know it.

    But boy, can he and the media play your emotions.

    Thanks for this, just supports my stance on this.

  6. I'd be more interested in what percentage of morons would ask such or similar questions. I suppose am not a normal human (whatever that means) and I don't believe in murdering children, Muslims or any one who disagrees with your misguided poiicies or your rabid zealotry. I don't believe in any kind of murder, period.

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