
What percentage of players today, do you think, would still play MLB??

by  |  earlier

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if they were paid, say, a teacher's salary, or a policeman's salary??




  1. All of them would because playing baseball is the only marketable job skill that they seem to have and so they will earn whatever the market will bear .

  2. I would guess 50%. In my opinion, and I've been a baseball fan for 48 years, and I lost my love of the sport due to the fact that it became such a "money game" and not for the" love of the game."  Back in the early days of baseball, the players would pay for their own transportation! But they played for the love of the game...

  3. 100k

  4. .5% They all do it for the money now

  5. definately not       going from $100,000-$10,000,000 to going to under $100,000

  6. Not a fair question when considering today's market value.  How many doctors would still be doctors on a teacher's salary?

  7. The reason it is actually necessary for athletes to make so much money is because of the length of their careers. Pro athletes cannot have 40-50 year careers due to wear and tear on the body and injuries. They may be only able to play for 10 years and that's not considering the minor leagues for baseball players where they are paid about $100,000-$200,000 per year. Imagine if you had a career for 10 years making a teacher's salary and tried to retire on it. You would have little money and nothing to fall back on after your career.

  8. All but the Dominicans, Puerto Ricans in the bigs.

    Nobody else would want to play for a "regular" wage.

    They would move on to a different sport, not all are that committed to what they do anyhow, just cash the pay check.

  9. Only those who would play for the love & passion of it would play then.

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