
What percentage of police cadets graduate police academy?

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  1. it varies bu it is usually a small percentage.

  2. This is an impossible question to answer without specific information.  Some departments have very strict academies and others are more lax.  My academy had 16 recruits, with 15 that passed.

  3. To show how widely it can vary, my class started with 189, and I believe 132 graduated.

  4. I don't know what the national average of police cadets that graduate is. Personally, I think that most people quit or get dropped because they are not physically or mentally prepared. Some realize that they just like the idea of being a police officer and not the reality. The academy isn't set up to fail people but to remove those who are not ready to become a cop. They do testing before you become a cadet in most places but even a strong candidate can perform poorly under pressure.

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